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The Rudeness of Strangers

Posted by Lorraine (L.L.) Bartlett

"Do you read mysteries?" I innocently asked a library patron at my last signing.

"No," she snarled, giving me a look of disdain. "I only read INTELLECTUAL books."

I stood there, dumbfounded for about five seconds, before I babbled, "Thank you. I'm a mystery author."

The elderly woman instantly backpedaled. "I mean, I have to save my eyesight for SIGNIFICANT books."

I bit my tongue. I didn't say, "Oh,…


Added by Writers Plot on November 6, 2007 at 11:18pm — 1 Comment

DEAD OF THE DAY is out today!

Today is the official pub date of my new Annie Seymour mystery, DEAD OF THE DAY (although I have heard that anyone who preordered it on Barnes & got it ages ago).

To commemorate the event, I am embarking on a virtual book tour. Please come visit the blogs I'm guesting on, some you probably have heard of, others possibly not. Here's my schedule for the week:

Today, Tuesday, Nov. 6

Every Word's a…

Added by Karen E. Olson on November 6, 2007 at 11:12pm — No Comments

Five Words I Love to Hear

I won't keep you in suspense: "I couldn't put it down."

Now that's what keeps a writer writing. The form varies, of course. Last night it was almost a complaint: "I didn't get anything done yesterday because I had to know what happened." No matter what the tone, the message is the same. The book, my book, grabbed a woman's attention and kept her from other tasks she meant to accomplish. I imagine dirty dishes in the sink, the cat drinking out of the toilet, and leftovers hastily…


Added by Peg Herring on November 6, 2007 at 9:56pm — No Comments

A Crummy Effort

Goofed off too much today. Had a three hour lunch with a friend. Watched two movies (Because I Said So and Tara), and wrote 1,006 words. Better than nothing I guess but I regret not sticking with my 1700 words a day plan. :(

I hope this isn't the beginning of the end.

Just get it down on paper, and then we'll see what to do with it. ~Maxwell Perkins

Added by Jess on November 6, 2007 at 4:30pm — No Comments

Number Four..but not quite yet.

I am to a point now where I have to choose. I've been sitting in this room with the blinds adjusted just so they'll slant those moody orange slats of light over me in the death of afternoon. I've been working on three books at a time. One is the fourth in my Roland Longville series; the other is a stand-alone epic crime novel (how often do you see those?) that covers the entire career of a Southern sheriff. The third is a novel about..human darkness, I guess. A guy who thinks he's someone…


Added by Timothy C. Phillips on November 6, 2007 at 3:43pm — No Comments


The American Author's Association has announced that my mystery, HONEYMOON FOR THREE, has won a Silver Quill award. Each year the Association recognizes members' works that demonstrate excellence in their field. That brightened up my day.

Added by Alan Cook on November 6, 2007 at 12:15pm — No Comments

Publishers Weekly's Best Mysteries of the Year

They are:

Songs of Innocence (Richard Aleas)

The Cloud of Unknowing (Thomas Cook)

American Detective: An Amos Walker Mystery (Loren D. Estleman)

The Commission (Michael Norman)

The Collaborator of Bethlehem (Matt Benyon Rees)

The Water's Lovely (Ruth Rendell)

The Snow Empress (Linda Joh Rowland)

Person of Interest (Theresa Schwegel)

Kept (D.J. Taylor)

Also under the fiction category include:

The Tin Roof Blowdown…


Added by Naomi Hirahara on November 6, 2007 at 6:01am — No Comments

Cats on the road

A big THANK YOU to the Cheshire Cat Club of Edgewater, NJ. The friendly folks there had me speak at their cat show yesterday, and it was a blast. Despite getting lost in Fort Lee, we managed to make it to the show in time for the cat fashion show, which was frankly hilarious. None of the cats seemed to mind, maybe they… Continue

Added by Clea Simon on November 6, 2007 at 2:27am — No Comments

In for Questioning - Duane Swierczynski Interview

Suspect: Duane Swierczynski

Age: Young 'un

Occupation: Writer, Editor-in-Chief of Philadelphia City Paper

Last know location: The mean streets of Philadelphia, PA

In this week's episode, we talk with Duane… Continue

Added by Angie on November 6, 2007 at 1:08am — No Comments

NaNoWriMo Update

I'm not sure I'll make the NaNo goal this year. Real life stuff seems

to be blocking my fictional life, but I have written more than 2,000

words and the month is still young, so there's time.

My real goal this month, though, is to submit the first 50 pages of Ghost Mountain to be critiqued (the deadline for that is Nov. 15) and to write a

synopsis of the story. I want to look for publishers by the first of

the year. Of course, I still have to finish it, but… Continue

Added by Nichole R. Bennett on November 5, 2007 at 11:48pm — No Comments

Food Porn

Posted by Sheila Connolly

(Following Kate Flora's lovely post) Has anybody noticed that television food shows recently have been getting more and more erotic? No, not all of them, but a significant number. All those opening shots of glistening, colorful vegetables, slabs of succulent meat, handsome potatoes and stacks of intricate pasta. And then there are the chefs... How did this happen?

In the good old days, there was Julia Child. No one will…


Added by Writers Plot on November 5, 2007 at 10:38pm — No Comments

What's Easier? Short Stories or Novels?

I am working on my 6th draft of a short story for an anthology for which I was asked to contribute. While I am pretty new to the fiction writing world, I was surprised at how much harder it is to write a short story than it was to write my YA mystery novel or even my non-fiction librarian books.

Perhaps it is because I do not read that many short stories. I read anthologies by Chicago mystery writers, or edited by writers I like and know. I also read and review some…


Added by Love Is Murder Conference on November 5, 2007 at 10:17pm — No Comments

Home-town Girl Makes...Good?

There are three general reactions to me around my home town since I've gotten published. One is what one might expect, excitement. People want to know when the book will be available, how long it took to write it, how much research I had to do, etc. These people are my favorite kind, even when their questions include, "When do I get my free autographed copy?" or "Do you think your agent would look at some of my daughter-in-law's poetry?"

A second group seems to be afraid that I'm…


Added by Peg Herring on November 5, 2007 at 9:25pm — 1 Comment

Man From U.N.C.L.E. Viewing Tip

The Man From U.N.C.L.E. was well before my time. I know the series is much-loved among espionage fans, and thought the upcoming DVD release would be a chance to check it out.

As it happens, Tuesday, November 6 is U.N.C.L.E. day on Turner Classic Movies. Eight two-part episodes of the show were…

Added by Vince Keenan on November 5, 2007 at 6:58pm — No Comments

In Nanoland

November is here - yaaaa! It used to be my least favorite month but now it has become if not my favorite, certainly my most productive. I am again participating in National Write Month - NANOWRIMO - - to jump start my current novel. There is nothing like writing 50,000 words in a month to get you going. It's not pretty but very effective. Got to go... 49,000 words to go...

Added by Tina on November 5, 2007 at 3:17pm — No Comments

Plotter or Pantser

Okay, NaNoWriMo is rolling for me. So far I'm making my quota. It won't last, I'm sure, because of the Thanksgiving holiday and kids coming in. But wow! what a high. I usually have to outline--at least a little, but the notes I made before starting aren't even valid now. It has really been fun following my nose with this little mystery. For the first time, I understand what a writer means when she says she likes being surprised. Funny and surprising how things tend to fall into place.…


Added by Jess on November 5, 2007 at 3:10pm — No Comments

NaNoWriMo Update

As of this posting, I am at 4,611 words. I am behind the number of words expected at this point in the month, but I am confident I will catch up soon. :)

Check out my page on the official site if you are interested:

Added by Shannon Chenoweth on November 5, 2007 at 12:51pm — No Comments

Goof-Proof Murder from Forensics University

How many times have you killed somebody, only to realize a few hours, days or weeks later, that you missed one stink'n detail and now the whole pile of caca is smoldering on the doorstep (of your keyboard) while you waste a lot of time and energy backtracking to cover your (antagonist's) ass and (metephorically) hiring a silk-shark to keep the local police force (your agent/editor) at bay?

You should'da been at Forensics University in St Louis! Imagine sitting at the bar with a board…


Added by Karyn J. Powers on November 5, 2007 at 11:04am — No Comments

Forensics University Hits the Bulls Eye

"See how the design of the gun seduces your finger, drawing it toward the trigger? For your own safety and the safety of those around you, you must resist its temptation."

In a small, paneled classroom at the Bulls Eye Shooting Range, in St Louis, MO. we are learning the proper way to handle a handgun from a man who depends on his skills with such weapons for more than his daily bread. In the course of teaching us the difference between a single action, double action and automatic…


Added by Karyn J. Powers on November 5, 2007 at 10:17am — No Comments

On Her Trail

Antler Dust is

based on a woman I met many years ago while my wife and I were on a

day-long horseback ride.

We were staying at this guest ranch for a week

and this guide was simply A-plus. She was knowledgeable, fun,

articulate, patient, and seemed to enjoy the outdoors in a way that was

simply off the charts. Nothing was routine, every vista was to…

Added by Mark Stevens on November 5, 2007 at 12:18am — No Comments

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