All Blog Posts Tagged 'book' (280)

Virtual Book Tour Day two

If you are following me around the net this month, thank you so much! I appreciate your support so much! If you want to chat with me about goals and resolutions for the new year, go on over to day two here

Added by Kim Smith on January 6, 2010 at 10:15am — No Comments

First stop on virtual book tour

Off to a running start with the book tour over here and I hope you will join me. Everyone who leaves a comment will be in the running for a give-away.

Happy Touring!

Added by Kim Smith on January 5, 2010 at 6:33am — No Comments

It's shaping up to be a busy 2010

2010 is already shaping up to be a busy year with lots of writing activity, talks and book signings to look forward to. Here is the line up for the first six months of the year as it stands at the moment. There is a new Calendar of Events page on my official web site and all my events, book signings and publications will be posted there throughout the year, as well as here.

On 27 January I start the year… Continue

Added by Pauline Rowson on January 1, 2010 at 10:49pm — No Comments

Free Poetry Writing Contest WINTER & POEMS – win cash with your poems

There is currently running a free-to-enter poetry contest on BookRix for poets and readers. The theme is "Winter & Poems". Prizes on the line include $1.600,00 in prize money for writers, "fame!" and Amazon vouchers (each worth $20) for voting readers. The 10 best-rated poetry books will be given to an independent jury consisting of the Georgia Writers Association and a professional writer who works for BookRix as a freelancer.

Perhaps you want to submit your own poetry in the… Continue

Added by Nils on December 8, 2009 at 11:59pm — No Comments

Book Trailers

(Also posted at One Bite at a Time.)

This may be a sore subject, as I know a lot of folks who have produced trailers for their books, but this article in Slate got me to wondering about the key question regarding trailers:

Does anyone know if they work?

For me, personally, no. I can't imagine buying a book based on a video trailer. Part of… Continue

Added by Dana King on November 20, 2009 at 7:08am — 8 Comments

Raising the Dead - Part 1 and Part 2

Raising the Dead Manuscript from Its Grave Part 1

by Robert W. Walker

I published myself after a lifetime of eschewing any sort of vanity press. And I did it using a “dead” manuscript about a “dead” subject filled with “dead” historical characters in a “dead” time period which one editor, a true pro, said of: “It is the hardest time period to write about, to make come alive, and especially to display any sort of sexual encounter, but in your hands Rob, if anyone can pull it off,… Continue

Added by robert walker on November 7, 2009 at 12:07am — No Comments

Free Short Story Writing Contest TRAVEL STORIES – win cash with your story

While traveling we always have new experiences, whether they are amazing, life changing or just disillusioning. Tell us your travel story. It may deal with a travel journey to a new place, time traveling, revisiting one's past, visiting a lost love or a new one, or an inner journey. Travel reports can be as much about one's internal navigation of their emotions as a physical voyage.

There is currently running a free-to-enter short story contest on BookRix for writers and readers. The… Continue

Added by Nils on November 4, 2009 at 11:14pm — No Comments

Release party & signing!

Hello all,

If anyone is in Los Angeles I am doing a signing/book launch for my book One Too Many Blows To The Head (co-written with JB Kohl). Saturday Nov. 14th at 5:30 pm at the Mystery Bookstore in Westwood.

I'd love to meet some of you there. And hey, by then an actual book will be out. We've just sent back the final proof corrections and it is going to the printer so any day now… Continue

Added by Eric Beetner on October 22, 2009 at 4:06pm — No Comments

Location, location

Writers live in their heads. What may be travel to you is location-scouting for me. In some ways, I’m never where I am. I’m imagining that place on the page in a future book. It won’t exist until I’ve written about it.

I was standing on a deserted bridge across the Rhine in the Swiss town of Rheinfelden a couple of weeks ago in the evening twilight. The river flowed very fast. The rain was steady. It patterned the field-grey surface of the water in scattered patches, so that it… Continue

Added by Matt Rees on October 15, 2009 at 6:29pm — 1 Comment

Sell it With a Knowing Wink and a Smile - Book Promotions

Just a few suggestions for publicty and marketing and selling it with a look... Besides using Writer’s Market and Jeff Herman’s Guide here are some cool sites:

Great websites to find and verify agents and publishers:

Preditors & Editors: A guide to publishers and publishing services for writers.

Agent Query: The internet’s largest and most current list of literary agents.

Writer’s &… Continue

Added by robert walker on October 15, 2009 at 3:28pm — 3 Comments

Review of B.R. Stateham's "Murderous Passions"

B.R. Stateham’s “Murderous Passions” (Publish America, 2008) sets forth an ambitious task for its protagonists and readers: two detectives have four separate homicides to solve in one novel.

The result is manna for those starved for honest-to-goodness police procedurals. Stateham’s old school style shrugs off today’s trendy… Continue

Added by Benjamin Sobieck on October 15, 2009 at 2:00pm — 3 Comments

Those disorganized Swiss

You know the reputation. "Swiss" isn't a nationality. It's really an adjective meaning highly organized and perhaps even a little too punctilious.

That's a myth. The place is just like the Middle East... (Look, I write fiction, but I may be onto something. Read on.)

On my recent reading tour, I stopped in Basel as a guest of the superb Literaturhaus Basel. Everyone told me to go the city's main art museum for an exhibition of… Continue

Added by Matt Rees on October 15, 2009 at 12:00am — 6 Comments

Large Print, Reviews and Frankfurt

I received the large print edition of The Suffocating Sea, the third in the DI Andy Horton series of marine mystery crime novels last week, and it looks good. This will now be on sale on line or to order through bookshops, and also available on loan through libraries. In addition, The Suffocating Sea is available as a talking book, which can be bought as a… Continue

Added by Pauline Rowson on October 12, 2009 at 8:15pm — No Comments

WV Book Festival @Charleston Civic Center October 10-11th

Looking forward to seeing everyone at the WV Book Festival. Come on down Saturday-Sunday October 10-11th at the Charleston Civic Center. Panel discussions, book signings, Agents/Publishing, and chat with local authors.

Join me and Robert Walker at 2:30 on Sunday as we discuss how to get your book ready for an agent/publishing house, methods on finding agents and publishers, a look into the publishing world, book promotion, and much more. We will have a book signing after the… Continue

Added by Miranda Phillips Walker on October 9, 2009 at 8:18am — No Comments

Leselust! Reading to Germans

Here's my latest post on the International Crime Authors Reality Check blog:

When authors travel to promote their books in the US and UK, they’ve given up on referring to their appearances as “readings.” Now they’re “events.” Because no one wants to hear an author read.

It could be because authors aren’t such compelling readers or because many of the biggest-selling authors don’t actually write their own books (I… Continue

Added by Matt Rees on October 8, 2009 at 6:13pm — 3 Comments

There's No Predicting

If you'd asked me a week ago, I'd have said that writers' groups don't buy books. Most of the time when I speak to a group of wanna-be writers, they're there to pick my brain, and the enticement of reading my work evades them entirely.

Then I meet a group that surprises me, and I have to run to the car to get more books (always more books in the car--that's a rule.) And I take orders from more people who didn't come prepared to buy the book but want to send a check.

The… Continue

Added by Peg Herring on October 7, 2009 at 7:30pm — 2 Comments

Neon pee on the Reeperbahn, and other travels

The whole point of travel is to see Red Light districts around the world. That’s what I assume my German publisher C.H. Beck thinks. Or maybe that's what they think I'll like. Anyway, they keep sending me to Hamburg, which has one of the most famous naughty neighborhoods in the world.

At the invitation of the extremely professional Harbour Front… Continue

Added by Matt Rees on October 3, 2009 at 1:08am — No Comments

Mini Book Tour A Success

There was certainly a welcome in the hillside and on the banks of the River Tyne for me in the north of England this week during my mini book tour, which kicked off at Newcastle City Library and ended at The Richmond Walking and Book Festival. I met some fantastic people who made me very welcome and very kindly bought tons of my books. Thank you.

The new city library at Newcastle is most impressive and a million miles away from the libraries of… Continue

Added by Pauline Rowson on October 2, 2009 at 11:51pm — No Comments

Writing contest RAIN STORIES – win cash with your story

Summer is about to end? Autumn is knocking at the door? Take advantage of the unpleasant rainy weather and enter the latest BookRix Short Story Writing Contest for free: Tell your rain story and turn your wordsmith powers into positive cashflow and fame.

Key Facts:

- Write a story that has anything to do with rain, or Mr. Rain, or a dog named Rain, whatever.

- Authors can win up to $1000

- Readers have the chance to win a Amazon voucher

- No entry fee required –… Continue

Added by Nils on September 16, 2009 at 12:02am — No Comments

I See Dead People, Life of an ER Nurse

They say truth is stranger than fiction, I can tell you coming from a nursing point of view this is very true. I am reminding of this at least three times a week while I'm working in the Emergency Room, If I used any of these examples I would have to water them down because most people would think I was really off my rocker if I told the truth. With the release of my new book "The Well Meaning Killer" I'm starting to roll in some reviews, and some reviewers are questioning Megan McKenna's… Continue

Added by Miranda Phillips Walker on September 8, 2009 at 2:32am — No Comments

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