Pauline Rowson's Blog – January 2010 Archive (6)

Thrilling and Scary

No, it's not the description of a novel (although some might say the 'scary' is an apt description of me in this photograph) but it's the way I felt when I received my author copies of the new Inspector Horton crime novel, Blood on the Sand, today. I must say though it looks great.

It is the fifth in the series due officially to be published in the UK… Continue

Added by Pauline Rowson on January 30, 2010 at 12:07am — No Comments

Deadly Waters Selected for Independent Bookshop Initiative

I'm delighted to announce that my second marine mystery contemporary crime novel, Deadly Waters, featuring my fictional detective, Inspector Andy Horton, has been selected as one of ten titles to be featured in a special independent bookshop and library promotion in the UK from 10 February to 10 March aimed at promoting new and burgeoning talent called Exclusively… Continue

Added by Pauline Rowson on January 28, 2010 at 2:14am — 4 Comments

Writing and marketing

An important task for many writers is marketing themselves and their books. This cannot be left solely to the publisher who has a whole range of books to promote and usually across many genres. In the larger publishing houses there are publicists whose responsibility it is to help promote certain authors, who are usually the 'bigger named' authors, (the A list) or those who have been given a huge advance that needs to be 'earned out' leaving great swathes of writers and books to their own… Continue

Added by Pauline Rowson on January 20, 2010 at 11:01pm — No Comments

Rewriting a pain or pleasure?

Rewriting comes in many guises and brings with it both pain and pleasure. For me it all depends on when I am rewriting. If I have to rewrite on the editor's request then it is a pain, because, by then, I am already well into the next novel. If it is during the revision stages of a novel (before it has been sent to my editor) then it is often a pleasure with one BIG exception, and that is when I am struggling with the ending. Here I want to make the novel as exciting as possible and, it being a… Continue

Added by Pauline Rowson on January 12, 2010 at 1:04am — 2 Comments

The perfect system for writing a novel

"Once they find a favourite way of getting their words on paper - or screen - novelists normally stick with it, says Philip Hensher," in the Daily Telegraph recently, and that is true because it takes a writer some time to evolve the perfect system that works for him or her. It did with me anyway.

Before I struck on the 'perfect system' I tried all sorts of ways of compiling my research, plots and character outlines, from using note books to wall maps, to A4 folders. None of them… Continue

Added by Pauline Rowson on January 5, 2010 at 2:43am — 3 Comments

It's shaping up to be a busy 2010

2010 is already shaping up to be a busy year with lots of writing activity, talks and book signings to look forward to. Here is the line up for the first six months of the year as it stands at the moment. There is a new Calendar of Events page on my official web site and all my events, book signings and publications will be posted there throughout the year, as well as here.

On 27 January I start the year… Continue

Added by Pauline Rowson on January 1, 2010 at 10:49pm — No Comments

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