Steven Torres's Blog (60)

Free E-novel

If you're looking for a hardboiled Kindle novel, THE CONCRETE MAZE is free today. Click here.

Added by Steven Torres on March 19, 2012 at 2:21am — 1 Comment

A Free E-book Offer...


For today only, I've put up my long story THE VALLEY OF ANGUSTIAS as a free Kindle for your Kindle machine or Kindle app. Grab a copy and let me know what you think.

Added by Steven Torres on March 13, 2012 at 3:09am — No Comments

If you're looking to feed your kindle...

Free short story collection today: KILLING WAYS. A lot of killing. Several ways.

Added by Steven Torres on March 9, 2012 at 8:32am — No Comments

Free Kindle E-book

The title says just about everything except the date (today, March 2nd) and the title: LUCY CRUZ AND THE CHUPACABRA KILLINGS.


A full-length novel set in Puerto Rico with an amateur sleuth.


Get them while they're hot.

Added by Steven Torres on March 3, 2012 at 8:10am — No Comments

A Free Kindle Story

If you've got a Kindle or Kindle app, you might want to take a free look at my short story "The Devil's Snare." The Devil himself narrates about the time he messed with the wrong 72 year-old and tried to tempt Edith Porter. If you liked the Screwtape Letters, there's a chance you'll enjoy this one. Free at Amazon today and tomorrow.

Added by Steven Torres on February 10, 2012 at 10:46am — No Comments

If you've been wondering where my collection of Precinct Puerto Rico short stories is, wonder no more. It is here. Right now it has the plainest cover Amazon can muster, but I'm hoping for pictures f…

If you've been wondering where my collection of Precinct Puerto Rico short stories is, wonder no more. It is here.

Right now it has the plainest cover Amazon can muster, but I'm hoping for pictures from Puerto Rico momentarily in case you're one of those ebook cover hounds who won't buy a book without just the right ebook cover.

Is there more coming? Of course. A collection of oddball stories for one thing. THE…


Added by Steven Torres on January 18, 2012 at 7:50am — No Comments

Another Day, Another Kindle...

If you've been wondering where my collection of Precinct Puerto Rico short stories is, wonder no more.

Added by Steven Torres on January 18, 2012 at 2:09am — No Comments

Another Day, Another Kindle...

If you've been wondering where my collection of Precinct Puerto Rico short stories is, wonder no more. <a href="">It is here</a>.

Right now it has the plainest cover Amazon can muster, but I'm hoping for pictures from Puerto Rico momentarily in case you're one of those ebook cover hounds who won't buy a book without just the right ebook cover.

Is there more coming? Of course. A collection of oddball stories for one thing. THE…


Added by Steven Torres on January 18, 2012 at 2:07am — No Comments

My Interview at Criminal-e

Al Guthrie, Scots writer of Kiss Her Goodbye among other titles has asked me questions and I've answered.

Here's a link to the interview.

All in reference to my latest effort, … Continue

Added by Steven Torres on April 28, 2011 at 8:22am — 1 Comment

Killing Ways 2

Here are some descriptions for the stories in my second collection of stories called Killing Ways 2: Urban Stories. As you can see from the subtitle, the collection hangs together on the urban angle. The Killing doesn't happen in every story though every story is noir-ish.

The original publications were Crimespree, Uncage Me!, Crimespree, Plots With Guns, Crimespree, and Bronx Noir.

Hard luck, hard knock, hot… Continue

Added by Steven Torres on March 17, 2011 at 1:30am — 1 Comment

Yet Another Kindle Collection

For those who have been waiting anxiously for my next collection of stories, it's finally here: Killing Ways 2: Urban Stories. One of these stories is a prize winner. Another is a nominee. They've all been published before. One story was praised by Publisher's Weekly. How many short stories get praised by Publisher's Weekly? No really. I have no idea. Maybe all of them, but you get the idea. If you want to read sad stories about bad… Continue

Added by Steven Torres on March 16, 2011 at 2:53am — No Comments

Yet Another Kindle Collection

For those who have been waiting anxiously for my next collection of stories, it's finally here: Killing Ways 2: Urban Stories. One of these stories is a prize winner. Another is a nominee. They've all been published before. One story was praised by Publisher's Weekly. How many short stories get praised by Publisher's Weekly? No really. I have no idea. Maybe all of them, but you get the idea. If you want to read sad stories about bad… Continue

Added by Steven Torres on March 16, 2011 at 2:51am — No Comments

Blake Crouch

I've known Blake Crouch for a number of years - we both wrote novels for St. Martins/Minotaur, and we've met at Bouchercons. I've been a fan since reading his first book Desert Places and if I want to be seriously creeped out, I turn to Blake's writing. He's also been collaborating with Joe Konrath with… Continue

Added by Steven Torres on March 2, 2011 at 3:51am — No Comments

My Kindle Story

I Kindle-ized a short story called "The Devil's Snare." As the New York Times said* "It's a comic masterpiece." I did this to make sure that I knew how to do it, not to earn millions.

In the next day or two, the story should become something that people can buy. Or maybe that's happened already. Not quite…


Added by Steven Torres on February 11, 2011 at 10:14am — 1 Comment

IJ Parker

The September 2009 Alfred Hitchcock has a story from one of my favorite mystery short story writers, IJ Parker. Parker's main character is Sugawara (try saying that 3 times, fast) Akitada. The setting is 11 century Japan, Heian-Kyo (modern Kyoto). The stories generally revolve around some aspect of Japanese culture of the period, often they take place during festivals, for instance.

In this case, Akitada is asked to investigate a… Continue

Added by Steven Torres on July 14, 2009 at 3:54am — 1 Comment

Thanks and a Question

First many thanks to all who congratulated me on my expectations of being a father. Very sweet and much appreciated. Baby Torres adds her good wishes. She also says that she thinks she'll be able to provide everyone with presents once she arrives in September...

Also, many thanks for those who have followed the links: youtube interview

In for… Continue

Added by Steven Torres on May 24, 2008 at 4:07am — No Comments

On Writing...

Tomorrow I'll write something. Haven't written anything since about August. I mean not a single word written in anger since that time. I tried rewriting a book I finished in July, but frankly I should have started a different book altogether. Plenty of ideas. No time for starting a new project - not with a rewrite needed. And nothing is less attractive to me than rewriting. Therefore, complete and utter paralysis. Not writer's block, mind you. Not if writer's block is equal not having ideas.…


Added by Steven Torres on January 3, 2008 at 11:55am — No Comments

Another Book Giveaway

Don't forget to visit my blog for another book giveaway. This one is good for about another five hours... That's 6pm NYC time.

Added by Steven Torres on December 27, 2007 at 3:55am — No Comments

Giveaway No. 3 - Crouch, Pawel, and Crider

I've been running a small series of contests (first two are over but there'll be a half dozen more) over on my blog. Thought I'd give people a taste of it over here.

Okay, so JD Rhoades won the first batch of books (gotta contact him) and Manuel Ramos won the second batch. This doesn't mean there aren't other batches - I'm cleaning house...literally. These books are not signed, but there are a bunch of them. Today's group…


Added by Steven Torres on December 15, 2007 at 7:30am — No Comments

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