Giveaway No. 3 - Crouch, Pawel, and Crider

I've been running a small series of contests (first two are over but there'll be a half dozen more) over on my blog. Thought I'd give people a taste of it over here.

Okay, so JD Rhoades won the first batch of books (gotta contact him) and Manuel Ramos won the second batch. This doesn't mean there aren't other batches - I'm cleaning house...literally. These books are not signed, but there are a bunch of them. Today's group includes "Desert Places" by Blake Crouch - a creepy book by a nice guy. "Death of a Nationalist" by Rebecca Pawel - fellow Stuyvesant alum and a hell of a writer (this book earned her an Edgar). And Bill Crider's "A Mammoth Murder" - a story featuring Sheriff Dan Rhodes (no relation to Dusty or Cecil...) and bigfoot. You'll like the book and if you knew Bill, you'd like him too.
In any event, I'll check back tomorrow afternoon to see who wants their names in a hat and to put up another contest. Tomorrow's contest might very well "Blow you Away..."

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