I've had a couple of e-mails asking me about the neck sniffing thing, so I thought I would explain. I was down in London a couple of days ago and there I was, happily tootling up the escalator at Liverpool Street Station when I felt someone pressing really, really close behind me. "Hello", I thought, "Either you've pulled, Donna, or you're getting your pocket picked." I've had relationships with people who got less intimate on a first date. Before I could do anything, I then felt a nose on my neck. Since it wasn't cold and wet, I didn't think it was a rather tall Golden Retriever, so I squealed like a big girl, turned round, and walloped the bloke behind me with my handbag. He looked at me as though it was ME in the wrong.

"What?" he said. "I was only sniffing your collar" (as if this was the most natural thing in the world).

"Oh, and is THAT supposed to make it sodding better?" I belted him in the shins with my suitcase (I was aiming for higher but the escalator suddenly flattened out) and stalked off feeling aggrieved. I'm not sure why these things always seem to happen to me, but they do. I was once flashed at in a Parisian cemetary...

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Comment by Donna Moore on March 28, 2007 at 5:08am
LOL hope I didn't hurt you too much then Todd. And it was Cartier. Either that or the salt and vinegar crisps I had eaten :o)

Karen - my bag doesn't need a brick - it's bloody heavy enough!
Comment by Todd Robinson on March 27, 2007 at 8:41pm
Sorry. You just smelled nice is all...
Comment by Karen from AustCrime on March 27, 2007 at 6:16pm
Teach you to keep a brick in the bottom of that bag.

Which weird suggestion was my Grandmother's only contribution to the hysteria when I moved "to the big smoke".

No comment was ever forthcoming on what I'd be calling her if I'd dropped my bag on my own foot (but it was a good way to clear some space on the tram - I'll give her that :) )
Comment by Kevin Burton Smith on March 25, 2007 at 7:31am
"Handbag will travel, it's the code of a gal...."

Next week I attempt a ridiculous Freench accent by saying "Zut alors" a lot.

Fetchez la vache.
Comment by Donna Moore on March 24, 2007 at 7:39pm
Mary - it was VERY ewwww. I haven't had as much of an ewwww since I was chatted up by the toothless man on the bus and he breathed vindaloo all over me.
Kevin - I'm a dab hand with luggage to the goolies
Comment by Kevin Burton Smith on March 24, 2007 at 6:36pm
Cor blimey, watch it with the luggage there, luv.
Comment by Mary Reagan on March 24, 2007 at 5:12am
Fate is just giving you material so you can entertain us with fantastic Donna stories.

But this has to be one of the eww (not sure how you spell that) moments. Weird people out there.

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