Blogs to the left of me, blogs to the right. Blogs here, blogs there. How many blogs can you read? Which ones do you read, and why? How do you find them?

I'm of course delighted that you're reading this one, and hope you'll come back. But just as you are overwhelmed by the choices you have, I'm a little overwhelmed by the fact that with no fewer than four blogs running (counting this one, and not counting my Navy letters blog, A World Ago, ( which is still up but, having reached the last letter I sent while in the Navy, no new entries are being posted), it becomes increasingly time consuming.

So why start another one here? Because if you don't already know me and/or aren't familiar with my books, I really want you to be. A writer is nothing without readers, and I need you. I would very much like for you, as a fan of mysteries, to get to know my characters: Dick, Jonathan, Joshua, Jake, Jared, Phil, Tim, Bob, Mario, Glen O'Banyon, Craig and Mark Richman, Marty Gresham, Bud the bartender...all of them appear in book after book, and each of them has become like an old friend to me and to many of my regular readers.

The Dream Ender, book # 11 in the series, will be out in June and will be followed, hopefully in December, by His Name is John, the first book in a new mystery series (the Elliott Smith Mysteries, which will then alternate with the Dick Hardesty series).

I'll try to post here once a week, and I really would like to hear from you as to what you might like to see me post here. Drop me a note at I'm sincere when I say that I consider you to be my partner in everythnig I write.

So, until later, thanks for being here.

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Comment by Dorien Grey on March 29, 2007 at 12:50pm
Thanks so much for the kind words, Jannie...I really appreciate it. Like the proverbial journey which starts with the first step, a series starts with just one book. If you like your characters enough to do a second book and then a third, you'll find they not only take on lives of their own, but it is often they who direct you.

I've been very lucky with the Dick Hardesty series. It has reached the point where I merely sit at the computer and the stories write themselves. I would hope you will have the same experience.

Good luck, and if there's anything I can do to help you, please let me know.
Comment by Jannie Balliett on March 29, 2007 at 12:09pm
Let me be the first to post on your blog with honors.

I love your characters and feel like family, too. What I'd like to know, as a new writer, how do you keep up with your such a vast of characters and series?

BTW-it's nice to meet you and I look forward to your blog posts.Delete Comment

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