Many who know me know that speaking is not a favorite activity. But oddly enough, I do enjoy teaching. What's the difference? Preparation and subject matter. This past LIM was the first time I began speaking about my writing. I am long accustomed to doing presentations about being a young adult librarian. People always want to know how to attract teens to libraries. and what to do with them once teens come in to the library! But a big crowd still freaks me out.
I was a guest lecturer at Dominican University about a week ago, teaching graduate library school students about what does and does not work with teens. It was a lot of fun - 20 students, they laughed at my jokes, what more could you want? I came home happily.
Next Tuesday, I have to teach a preconference for 100 people from all over the country in Minneapolis on serving teens in libraries for the Public Library Association conference. My good librarian friend Nick Buron from the Queens Public Library will be co-teaching with me. He and I are friends for years through the national Young Adult Library Services Association and we've taught together before. We each think the other has a strong accent, but we have a lot of fun teaching together. We've prepared many more activities than we think we need, and have shipped handouts and prizes, but it's still nerveracking. What if the AV doesn't work? What if my handouts don't arrive?
What do you do to prepare for talks?
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