I'm sure this would have been cheaper in the late 30s. Right now, I'd have to kill for it.

I'm thinking about it.

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Comment by len howlett on March 31, 2008 at 10:29am
Yeah, that is one of the things I have always thought about buying one day.I don't know though. I don't play as much as I once did and got a house full of Strats and an SG and a couple of lap steels. And actually, the 84 Strat and my Martin are more than I deserve. Oh, one more note on the Nationals. There was a 30's Tri-cone, I believe it was, in the window of the Guitar Center in Hollywood, CA in 1970. I could have bought it for $500, this is no joke. But I couldn't raise that kind of money, being a Sunset Strip hippie at the time. So I passed on it, too. Didn't even let myself play it. You can't miss what you've never had. Good luck in your quest. I hope the hula girl dances for you.
Comment by Daniel Hatadi on March 31, 2008 at 9:47am
I definitely plan on getting a quality resonator at some point, and I would definitely make sure that I try it before I buy it! Jackson's Rare Guitars isn't very far from my place so I'm hoping to pop round and have a twang. I did try one of the newer National O styles a few years ago and absolutely clicked with it.

It's all so tempting, but in the light of day, I have debts to dig into first.

I think.
Comment by len howlett on March 29, 2008 at 7:16am
Certain of the new ones are as good as the old ones. I know because I've played both. I believe you should never buy a guitar you haven't played and frelt something happen with. If you are a collector, and want to hang one on the wall, I could see it. But as you no doubt know, it is not always the guitar, even with a great make and model and year, that makes it great. It is that certain guitar. I have a Martin that leapt into my path and begged me to take it home when I was in Matt Umanov's in Greenwich Village in 1994, and I never regretted it. It played then, for me at least, better than any other in the store. It plays better with every passing year. And there was a bakelite National out of the 20's, very rare, and I could have gotten it for only $1200, and I passed on it. I can still hear it play, and feel how easy it responded to me. I will never forgive myself for that one. But, I repeat, the stars must be right and you have to hold her to know if she wants you, then maybe you want her and the money doesn't matter.
Comment by anabrazil on March 29, 2008 at 6:08am
Do it, Daniel! We got a National a few years ago and never regretted it.

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