Yesterday the UPS truck pulled up outside my house, and the man in brown delivered several cartons of the new printing of my novel, Mood Swing: The Bipolar Murders. I've sold nearly all of my first edition. It occurred to me I could have signed and numbered them like an edition of silk screens or lithographs; the printing was that small. Nonetheless it's thrilling. Mood Swing is a print-on-demand book, and I'm very happy I took this route. I plan to use the same publisher for my next novel, Eldercide, on which I'm doing the final edit and revisions.
I tried the traditional route of seeking an agent for both books, but got tremendously discouraged, although the number of rejections I got before giving up (about 18 for each book) was minuscule compared to what many writers go through. I still plan to try for an agent and a traditional publisher one of these days, but it won't be by the old snail-mail query route. There are other ways these days. And I got to do my own cover art and have design input and approval as well. A most empowering process, and speedy, too. From the time I decided to go POD to the time I had my completed book in my hands was about two months.
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