Julie Lomoe's Blog (25)

Please visit my WordPress blog - you never know what you'll find!

I just reached another milestone - 40,000 hits on my WordPress blog, Julie Lomoe's Musings Mysterioso, which I began only last May. But I'm still somewhat mystified in terms of where all those hits are coming from! If you stop by, please live a comment and let me know you came from CrimeSpace.

I welcome guest bloggers. If you're interested, please leave a comment below with your contact information as well as something about your…


Added by Julie Lomoe on February 9, 2010 at 8:18pm — No Comments

My Blog Book Tour starts Monday, November 9 - come visit me!

I'm revving up for my first-ever Blog Book Tour, starting this Monday, November 9th. Ten wonderful writers have offered to host me. Hope you'll visit my blog to see the schedule and get links for the first three stops.

Julie Lomoe's Musings Mysterioso

Added by Julie Lomoe on November 7, 2009 at 3:30am — No Comments

Learning about the blogosphere through Blog Book Tours

Since the beginning of May, I've been immersed in the online Blog Book Tours course. I've been posting on my blog, Julie Lomoe's Musings Mysterioso, almost daily, and as of today I expect to log 2,000 visits. That's since May lst, not just today. Even so, for me, that's an enormous number, though it's minuscule for some.

The course is demanding, but highly informative for writers who want to maximize their online presence. The next course… Continue

Added by Julie Lomoe on June 16, 2009 at 10:00am — No Comments


I put together the following list for my local Sisters in Crime chapter. I'd welcome your comments and additional suggestions, as I plan to keep this updated. The original formatting was classier, but here it is.


Blog Book Tours (www.blogbooktours@yahoogroups.com) Good advice for authors on negotiating the online world of blogging and social networking.

Crimespace (www.crimespace.ning.com) Attractive, user-friendly… Continue

Added by Julie Lomoe on February 24, 2009 at 4:23am — No Comments

Modesty is the best policy - if your goal is obscurity

I just checked the comments on my last blog entry about becoming an Amazon reviewer. I. J. Parker and John Dishon questioned why I'd want to review my own book, and warned that it could destroy my credibility. So I'm hereby clarifying: no, I didn't review my own book on Amazon, but I did post some biographical information under the heading "Please allow me to introduce myself." (Mick Jagger's "Sympathy for the Devil" was running through my head, but I didn't source the quote - probably another… Continue

Added by Julie Lomoe on January 17, 2009 at 8:23am — 3 Comments

Becoming an Amazon reviewer

Today I finally threaded my way through the convoluted process of becoming an approved Amazon reviewer. My first official act was to award myself a five-star review for Eldercide. I'll have to wait 48 hours to see if it goes through or if they're picky enough to catch the blatant self-promotion and maybe ban me forever.

To be a reviewer in good standing, you also have to surrender your credit card number and to have purchased books from Amazon in the relatively recent past. I… Continue

Added by Julie Lomoe on January 14, 2009 at 4:54am — 3 Comments

Self-Publishing Pros and Cons

Tonight I got drawn into some forum threads about self-publishing and POD. Some of the disparaging comments kicked my adrenaline into overdrive. People choose print-on-demand for all sorts of reasons. It doesn't necessarily mean they're bad writers; perhaps they simply lack the armadillo armor necessary to persevere through the traditional channels. At least that's true of me.

In one of my comments, I mentioned my publisher, Virtualbookworm, as producing high-quality products. The… Continue

Added by Julie Lomoe on January 10, 2009 at 1:59pm — 3 Comments

Nancy Means Wright's Review of Mood Swing

Through our Mavens chapter of Sisters in Crime, I've come to know the wonderful mystery writer Nancy Means Wright. She posted the following review of my first novel, Mood Swing: The Bipolar Murders, on Amazon, and since BSP is OK on our personal blogs, I'm posting it almost in its entirety:

I began this novel with trepidation - like many others, I'm a little in awe, a little uncomfortable with people with "mood swings." But as I read this terrific novel and got to know the… Continue

Added by Julie Lomoe on January 1, 2009 at 5:30am — No Comments


ELDERCIDE, my second mystery novel, has been out since the summer. The response has been gratifying from those who've bought and read it, but the title and cover art have definitely scared some people away. When I showed it to my family doctor, he studied the cover and pronounced it "ghastly." And one independent bookseller of advanced years declined to stock it because she hates the word "elder." Other authors have also advised me that the word "elder" may be a turnoff. So I've decided to… Continue

Added by Julie Lomoe on December 28, 2008 at 12:01pm — 4 Comments

Do you know your last rights?

Once again I'm taking a break from my own writing to put out a newsletter for our local branch of the Funeral Consumers Alliance. Josh Slocum, Executive Director of the national organization, will be the featured speaker at our annual meeting four weeks from tomorrow, and his talk is entitled "Do you know your last rights?" We're all about educating people as consumers of funerals and providing more affordable services through the funeral homes we contract with. A critically important mission,… Continue

Added by Julie Lomoe on September 28, 2008 at 2:37am — No Comments

Bouchercon - in the end, will it be worth it?

I registered for Bouchercon a couple of months ago, and I've been checking the list of attendees. But yesterday I checked the preliminary schedule for the first time, and learned to my chagrin that I haven't been assigned to a panel. I'd had a hunch this was the case, since I hadn't heard anything from the organizers; even so, I'm disappointed.

I'm not surprised, though, since I published both my novels with a print-on-demand publisher, Virtual Bookworm. I'm very pleased with the… Continue

Added by Julie Lomoe on September 12, 2008 at 1:32pm — No Comments

ELDERCIDE is out at last!

I'm delighted to report that ELDERCIDE, my new novel of suspense, is finally published. I took a break from CrimeSpace during the lengthy revision process, but I'm back at last.

The novel grew out of my experience as President of ElderSource, Inc., a Licensed Home Care Services Agency I ran for eight tumultuous years. We specialized in round-the-clock live-in care for clients nearing the end of their lives. Often the emotional toll for clients and their families was enormous. More… Continue

Added by Julie Lomoe on August 8, 2008 at 7:06am — No Comments

Liz Zelvin's book proves perseverence furthers!

I've been AWOL from Crimespace for some time now, but Liz Zelvin's message lured me back. I'm delighted to see her book Death Will Get You Sober has finally been published by St. Martin's. I met her several years ago at a Sisters in Crime conference in New York City, and I've tracked her progress in seeking publication since then. She's a therapist and her book deals with alcohol addiction. I recall her online postings about responses from agents and publishers who said no one would…


Added by Julie Lomoe on February 16, 2008 at 2:31am — 2 Comments

"Fractured Funerals" Devouring My Time

Since my last post, I've been preoccupied with one of my other roles. As Administrator of the Memorial Society of the Hudson-Mohawk Region, I've been busy putting out a newsletter and preparing for our annual meeting. Our guest speaker, Lisa Carlson, is a nationally known advocate for funeral consumers, and she'll be talking about "Fractured Funerals" and the importance of advance planning. Lisa is the author of Caring for the Dead: Your Final Act of Love. She's known for her…


Added by Julie Lomoe on October 17, 2007 at 9:54am — No Comments

Happy Birthday to Me!

Today's a fairly significant birthday - I won't publicize which one, but it's a good one to take stock and do some journaling. I'm delighted that I've finally published a novel within the past year, and look forward to publishing my next, Eldercide, ASAP - not to mention completing another that I've just begun, with the working title Green Burial.

Right now, though, my office is too hot to work in, so I guess I'll give myself a break and go jump in the lake.…


Added by Julie Lomoe on July 31, 2007 at 12:30pm — No Comments

Kicked out of the bar?

I haven't logged onto CrimeSpace since early June, and this morning, to my dismay, the gatekeeper didn't recognize me and refused to let me in. Is it because I've been AWOL? I had to go through various electronic contortions with Ning and reset my password. Finally I accessed my page, and to my relief, everything is still here.

Seems we're becoming more of a speakeasy than an open bar. I imagine this is Ning's doing, and maybe the security is a good thing. Who knows?

I'm glad…


Added by Julie Lomoe on June 29, 2007 at 2:54am — 1 Comment

Finally, my own website!

At long last, my very own website is up and running, and I added a link to it in my author information to the left of this page. My husband, Robb Smith, worked long and hard on it - it's the first website he's ever created. However, it's still a work in progress, and I'm embarrassed to admit that there are a few typos. I know about them, and we'll fix them ASAP. However, Robb had major surgery two days ago, and he's not up to working on the website just yet. (He's resting in bed, doing well…


Added by Julie Lomoe on May 13, 2007 at 5:29am — No Comments

My book and how to get it

I've spent the last hour posting on various forums and on my own blog, and it occurred to me that if someone actually finds my posts interesting enough to click on this page, and maybe even buy my book, they may wonder how to get it. Easiest way is to order on Amazon, where I have four ***** reviews, or on Barnes & Noble. You can also go to my publisher at www.virtualbookworm.com, then type in my name or Mood Swing in their online…


Added by Julie Lomoe on April 25, 2007 at 3:54am — No Comments

Psyched about Malice

Hooray, I finally booked my flight from Albany to Crystal City for Malice Domestic. My friend Marilyn Rothstein (aka M.E. Kemp) booked our room in the conference hotel months ago, and I'll be on my first national panel. All that remains is to figure out the logistics of getting my books there to sell, and getting my website up and running so that after I hand out my beautiful new postcards, people will be able to access the site printed on them.

I'd also been planning to attend the…


Added by Julie Lomoe on April 25, 2007 at 3:21am — No Comments

Creative writing, violence and Virginia

Scanning the headlines on the Drudge Report in search of the latest news about the massacre at Virginia Tech, I found a story so disturbing that I started a Forum topic about it. According to an AP story by Adam Geller, the gunman was a senior English major "whose creative writing was so disturbing that he was referred to the school's counseling service." Faculty were concerned about him, and the chair of the English department said, "Sometimes in creative writing, people reveal things and…


Added by Julie Lomoe on April 18, 2007 at 4:24am — No Comments

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