Bouchercon - in the end, will it be worth it?

I registered for Bouchercon a couple of months ago, and I've been checking the list of attendees. But yesterday I checked the preliminary schedule for the first time, and learned to my chagrin that I haven't been assigned to a panel. I'd had a hunch this was the case, since I hadn't heard anything from the organizers; even so, I'm disappointed.

I'm not surprised, though, since I published both my novels with a print-on-demand publisher, Virtual Bookworm. I'm very pleased with the results, but there's a definite prejudice against POD authors, a class system that works to my disadvantage. The ground rules of the publishing world are changing, though, and I'll keep hawking my wares, hoping for that long-shot breakthrough into the big time.

Maybe when I get to Bouchercon, I'll try to schedule a meeting - probably after hours in the hotel bar - for POD authors. On the other hand, would I want to identify myself with them? True, some are no doubt execrable writers, but that's true of some with traditional publishing houses as well.

Meanwhile, I hope some of you on Crimespace will order, read, and maybe review my books. Check out my website,, to learn more about them and read sample chapters. And if you're going to Bouchercon, let me know - maybe we can meet in the bar.

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