Tonight I got drawn into some forum threads about self-publishing and POD. Some of the disparaging comments kicked my adrenaline into overdrive. People choose print-on-demand for all sorts of reasons. It doesn't necessarily mean they're bad writers; perhaps they simply lack the armadillo armor necessary to persevere through the traditional channels. At least that's true of me.
In one of my comments, I mentioned my publisher, Virtualbookworm, as producing high-quality products. The design, the paper quality, the binding are all first-rate, and they're very responsive to author input. If anyone on Crimespace is considering going the POD route, I highly recommend them. And if you'd like to check out the quality for yourself - as you should before choosing a POD company - I invite you to order one of my books, either from or from Amazon or Barnes & Noble. I'd welcome your feedback!
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