I was just sitting here thinking about addictions. And not necessarily drugs or alcohol. I myself have never tried drugs while my younger sister tried everything under the sun. To this day she smokes like a chimney while I smoked for one week at the age of thirteen and gave it up, cold turkey.

I have addictions. McDonald's hazelnut ice coffee and sweet tea are two I have to have on a regular basis. Not every day, but at least a couple, okay few times a week. What's wrong with that? It's not like I inject them into my veins or anything. I don't inhale them into my lungs. Maybe they do show up on my hips but darn it, it's my addiction and to my knowledge no one has ever died drinking sweet tea. LOL I'm weak when it comes to them.

Another addiction I have is good ice cream. Don't give me that plain vanilla or chocolate crap. I want ice cream with lots of nuts, chocolate chunks, marshmallows and other goodies in it. Heavenly Hash is one of my favorites. I don't buy ice cream often but when I do it has to be the best.

I'm addicted to sci-fi Saturdays. Is that even an addiction? Saturday is the only day I have control of the remote so I turn it on the sci-fi channel from the time I get up until I go to bed at night. My hubby doesn't like sci-fi and whines about it all day. Do you suppose that's why I watch it? Half the time I don't even pay any attention to what's on because I'm working on the computer. But I won't let him change the channel because it's my day. I think I have a mean streak in me:)

As you can see my addictions are harmless enough. Are you addicted to anything? Come on, fess up! I won't tell anyone.

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Comment by Tory Richards on September 14, 2008 at 1:08am
You're lucky! I wish I had your self-control:)

Comment by L.J. Sellers on September 8, 2008 at 3:00pm
I don't have the energy to post about all the addictions I've overcome. (And none of them harmless.) What's left? Sugar! And exercise, a good addiction to burn off the sugar.

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