Hi everybody!

Join us ONLINE at http://bittenbybooks.com on Wednesday October 15th at 8:00 am Pacific with author J.K. Coi for a fun filled day of guest blogging and a Q&A session!

With Halloween just around the corner and a brand new book being released, paranormal romance author J.K. Coi is up to her neck in magic, demons and danger—and loving it. Join her at Bitten By Books on October 15th as she blogs about her love of Halloween and all things scary. Check in that day for details on how to win an e-copy of her new release, The Trouble With Destiny.

Note: This is not a fixed time event, it just goes live for you to comment at 8:00 am. You can come by anytime during the day or evening to participate. Contest will run until 3:00 Eastern on 10/16 to allow our international and east coast participants a chance to join in.

http://bittenbybooks.com - Book Reviews
http://weirdstuffinmydesk.com - Honest E-tailer Reviews!

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