The Best Private Eyes of the Last Twenty Years or So...

I know they're out there, but who are they? There are the obvious ones, the usual suspects that anyone rumbling through this Crimespace scene could pick put of any lineup. But what about those private gumshoes that rocked our world but never quite made the big time? Or made it, and then quietly slipped away? What about the coulda-been and the shoulda-been contenders? The one-shot wonders? I'm doing an article, and it isn't so much who I include that I worry about; it's the between-the-crack guys I might miss that I worry about. Any suggestions? Once the article's done, I'll publish my list here and set loose the dogs of war (or at least heated debate).

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Comment by Steve Parvin on May 2, 2010 at 8:08am
Running on fumes.Hector Shayne by Paco Ignacio Taibo.Early novels were great.Dante the nose by Stansberry.Regional writing.Good stuff.The early Munch Mancini novel's dealing with addiction and self reliance.A woman you might run into.Look forward to the piece.Your blogs got some good humor.
Comment by Steve Parvin on May 1, 2010 at 10:11am
Derek Raymonds nameless Factory detective,Boone by Winslow,Will Hardesty by Barre, John Ray Horn by Wright.Jack Liffey for sure.Just a few off the top of my head.
Comment by JackBludis on July 16, 2008 at 1:53pm
Reed Farrel Coleman, an arc through the life of Moe Prager, a man who regrets that he never got the gold shield.
Comment by Jochem van der Steen on July 24, 2007 at 7:57pm
John Wessel's Harding and Richard Barre's Will Hardesty. Both combine traditions with a 'new' feel and both are underappreciated.
Looking forward to the article!
Comment by Steven Torres on April 8, 2007 at 2:08pm
Moony from Moony's Road to Hell by Manuel Ramos.

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