Scarlett Dean's Invisible Shield is a fascinating police procedural with an intriguing premise. Homicide Detective Lindsay Frost didn't believe in the paranormal at all. It's a good thing her sister, Kate, did. When Lindsay was murdered at home, she had no clue as to who killed her. She has to convince Kate, a police officer, to team up with her to find her murderer.

Lindsay is in for a shock, though. She has to learn all about her new role in the afterlife, and she's dependent on other spirits to teach her. She discovers that her detective badge is her "death tag," a personal item she has to hang onto until she works out her issues, and then she can move on to the next level. At the moment, Lindsay's issues are finding her murderer, along with the spirit who has something against her in her new world.

The action doesn't let up as Lindsay and Kate search for a killer who is always one step ahead of them.

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