Though I’ve managed to catch up on most of my work, and my latest manuscript in progress is now in the second go-round of editing by me, things will once again start moving at a fast pace.

Here’s some of the fun stuff that I’ve managed to squeeze in. I spent a late afternoon visiting over appetizers with Becca Buckley, the organizer of WOW (Wizards of Words) and Heather Howard, the author of The Chore Whore. We were celebrating the fact that Heather’s book may be made into a TV series. The book is about a personal assistant to the stars. Very funny and would make a terrific series. We also laughed a lot.

My weekend was great. My sis and her hubby, her daughter and two kids all came to visit. The event was to celebrate our little church’s 50th anniversary. We had a great turnout, wonderful food, and my good friend, mystery writer and gospel singer, Lorie Ham was our guest performer. Three of our teens also performed and did really well after one of them managed to get over the giggles. It was a fun day. Sis and I ended it by watching the finale of the Survivor. Yes, I got hooked on that show. I’m not good for much more than TV watching after about 8 a.m. Usually been going full speed ahead since 6 a.m.

I’ll be off-line for awhile beginning next Wednesday. Hubby and I are hopping a plan for Omaha and one of our favorite mystery cons, Mayhem in the Midlands. Looking forward to it and seeing old friends and hopefully making news ones. Instead of flying home, our daughter and son-in-law will be picking us up in their motor home and we’ll travel home with them. (They’ve been vacationing at Disneyworld and visiting relatives.)

In the good news department, Mundania Press will be releasing the next in my Deputy Tempe Crabtree series, Judgement Fire, this summer. Oh and one other family tidbit, my middle daughter and hubby (the preacher) have obtained legal guardianship of a fifteen-year-old, so I now have 19 grandchildren!

That’s it for now.


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