Based on my general usage of the site, as well as a few questions from members, I've added a short help page dealing with the less obvious issues of using Crimespace, as well as a few permanent links to things like The Bar and an index of all the blogs. These links can be accessed from the Main page.
I've also added a new Featured Posts section that draws attention to some of the more popular posts, and this seems to be working well.
As Ning adds features to the network, I'll slowly introduce them to Crimespace, and I'll also be writing a few articles on some of the features already present, geared to those that don't have so much experience with all these technical doo-hickeys what the kids are into these days.
Membership is on the up every day, and it looks like Crimespace is turning out to be a damned fun place for crime fiction aficionados to hang out at. I'm dead curious to see how much traffic we get in, say, six months time. I'm looking at ways to keep you all coming back, but my hope is that I won't have to, and you'll all come back just because you want to.
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