Have you checked out Library Thing yet? It's at www.librarything.com.

It's fascinating. I spent last night and this morning putting up most of the books I've read this year. It's a way to catalog your personal library or keep track of books you've read. It's also the hot social network out there for people who like to read. You can contact other people who read the same books you do, and find out what else they like.

I like it because I can see my entire "library" by book cover. I can also link directly from the book reviews here to that site, so I don't have to copy them or write a second review. (Thank you AdeptMagic.) And, of course, there's the opportunity to network.

Just what I need. Another fun website.

Views: 12


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Comment by Lesa Holstine on June 18, 2007 at 1:21am
Thanks, Daniel.
Comment by Daniel Hatadi on June 17, 2007 at 11:59pm
A few of us on Crimespace use LibraryThing. You can find us over here.

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