We recently took a two-day (one way) road trip to South Carolina. Of course I brought the PDA, because I accomplish a lot of writing on car rides. This time, though, I had the same problem I've had on other protracted car trips: other than a few ideas here and there that I was able to jot down, I didn't write at all. Not in the car or at the rest stops or even at the hotels once we stopped moving. It was a vacation from writing and I'm still on it - Rain Dog and I are talking about running some errands today, and I have zero interest in bringing the PDA and trying to work. I'm sure eventually I'll be interested again, but for now, I'm trying to recharge my batteries through reading and thinking about the projects I want to work on. Hopefully soon (after my older boy's birthday party, probably) I'll be with it once more.

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Comment by Rosemary Harris on July 27, 2007 at 5:07am
I'm impressed that you even thought you could write ona driving trip. The most I can do is make notes - weird people you come across, what they sell in this stte that they don't sell in yours, etc. Going Gandolfini...that sounds intriguing..
Comment by Christa M. Miller on July 20, 2007 at 1:30pm
Nope. Child-eating is only for the parents.
Comment by Stephen Blackmoore on July 20, 2007 at 2:48am
Just don't let any of the kids eat each other at the party.

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