Yes, Helen and I are related ..somehow...some sort of cousins....
New York
Helen Barer is a New Yorker, born and bred in Brooklyn. She graduated from
Bennington College in Vermont, got a Master's Degree from NYU Graduate School of Arts & Sciences, was a 'gofer' at CBS Television, and an editorial assistant at Collier's Encyclopedia. (Don't ask: No, she didn't cover the letter A; she did work on the Encyclopedia Yearbook and entries about Arts and Literature.)
Barer's editorial career continued at Time-Life Books, where she became a copy editor, researcher, writer (after participating in a groundbreaking lawsuit in which women were finally allowed to work as writers), and editor. She'd become an instant expert on subjects ranging from international cooking to art history to anthropology... and promptly forgot each subject as she moved to the next.
After years taken to raise her daughter, Helen fulfilled a lifelong dream and worked in film documentaries. Writing film treatments and proposals for the legendary documentary maker Lucy Jarvis, Helen was also an associate producer.
In recent years, Helen has volunteered at nonprofit agencies, serving as the Director of Volunteers at the Jewish Community Center on the Upper West Side, and on the Board of Directors of The Retreat, a domestic violence agency in eastern Long Island.
Fitness Kills, ISBN: 1594145857, Five Star hardcover, 201 pages, $25.95, July 2007.
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