Back from the London Book Fair after two very hectic and productive days. Can’t say it’s the best way to spend two gorgeous hot sunny days in England stuck in a giant air-conditioned hanger in the middle of London but needs must, and it was great to see so many friends in the publishing and bookselling world, and meet people who I’ve connected with on LinkedIn and on Facebook.

The London Book Fair seemed to be buzzing with activity with everyone in a positive mood. Not so the taxi drivers who say that business in the capital is certainly down on this time last year. Though judging by the number of tourists on the embankment and river tours on Sunday I’d say the visitor figures must be well up. Those who live and work in London though (according to my source) are letting the tube take the strain. The buses seemed to be faring well and the number of cyclists whizzing along the busy fuel-choked roads seemed to spawn daily while we were there.

Anyway back to the London Book Fair. I met with my Literary Agent from Brazil who is very upbeat about my novels, with considerable interest from a number of publishers and producers in both Latin America and North America. My agents in Spain and Italy also have interest from publishers for translation rights, so fingers crossed. And it was nice to catch up with my agents from the Middle East and the Far East.

While on the stand I had a surprise visit from Paul Daniels – yes, the magic man. He promised to follow my antics on Twitter!

It was also good to meet with journalists, my e book and audio publisher, Summersdale Publishing, and my business book publisher, Crimson, who gave me a copy of the jacket cover of one of my new business titles due to be published in August 2009. They’re doing a big marketing push behind the launch of a major new series of business books including my titles: Successful Marketing, Successful Sales and Successful Customer Service. As soon as I have details I’ll post them on my official web site.

Many people stopped by the stand to tell me how much they loved my rugged, edgy detective, Inspector Horton and to them I very grateful. I hope many more will enjoy reading my crime novels in the months and years ahead.

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