My radio phone in interview with Alex Dyke on Wight FM on 16 April was lots of fun. It was great to talk to people via a phone-in and to answer questions they’d e mailed in regarding my novels and how I write. I'd love to do more radio phone-ins so hope I can link in with other radio stations on this soon.
I was also delighted to find that the Captain sailing the Wightlink ferry from Portsmouth to Fishbourne, on my way over to the Isle of Wight for my radio interview, was Captain Paul Marshall who was the Captain on the St Clare at the time of my eight hour marathon book signing event in May 2008. He left the bridge on Wednesday - in the capable hands of his chief officer I hasten to add - to come and say 'hello' and chat while we waited to sail into Fishbourne.

All in all a pleasant couple of days on the Isle of Wight, where my thriller, In For The Kill is set. The Suffocating Sea (an Inspector Andy Horton crime novel) also ends on the Isle of Wight.

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