Agents Of Treachery Edited with an intro by Otto Penzler

Fourteen short stories written by some of the thriller genre’s best authors: Gayle Lynds, Joseph Finder, Lee Child, David Morell, John Weisman….., are contained in this novel. I am not
sure what it took to get this done, but every page is like gold. I have made a
point on this in a previous post about the digital shorts, this is perfect: A
very nice way to get a little fix of one of your authors before they put out
the main course, their newest novel.

I read the printed version of the novel, but it can be purchased in an ereader form and read just as a series of digital shorts. I am a bit surprised they didn’t also break them up and sell
them individually, why not? Everything is in place to do so. Picking up one of
these well written pieces would be a bargain for any fan of this group of
authors. I had a difficult time trying to figure out where to start with it. I
am a big fan of most of the authors in the group and didn’t want to disrespect
any of them so I wrote all the names down put them in one of my ball caps and
picked out the names and wrote down the order. It added to the fun and the
excitement of the novel. Having choices is fun and this type of format gives
the reader that and so much more.

Digital shorts, short stories, they are a wave that is beginning to cause a current and an undertow that I think is exciting. Having access to something like this is amazing. Picking up
a novel, pulling up the file on the ereader, getting that quick hit, that
satisfaction immediately is just a win-win for the author and their customer,
the consumer/their fan. I hope that more novels like this hit the market
because this is like holding lightning in a bottle. The power, the sheer force
of having such skill and storytelling ability in one novel, fourteen
well-crafted shorts by some of the industry’s best authors shouldn’t be passed up.
I don’t hesitate to say not just to put this in your Goodreads/Shelfari –to
read- list, but to get it a.s.a.p.

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