I LOVE MY FAMILY and cherish every moment I get to spend with them. Dad and I spent a couple days at my daughter's place where the rest of the family joined us for a fantastic Thanksgiving dinner. We had stuffed turkey, spiral ham, mashed potatoes, gravy, cranberry sauce, fruit salad and three different kinds of pie. And don't forget the eggnog! Everything was so nice and we took some family pictures which I'll share with you later.

Dad decided to fly back to NC after Thanksgiving to spend the Christmas holiday with my sister. I'm kind of glad he did that because sometimes Lois feels left out. Plus, I know he was getting lonely here being alone on the days that I had to work. My hubby happens to be gone as well, which didn't help matters. Dad needs to be around people.

Alivia, my two-year-old granddaughter came home with me for a couple days because the kids had to go back to work and her day care was closed. She was the perfect angel. We had countless tea parties, read and re-read several books, and cuddled on the sofa to watch The Polar Express. She napped like a good girl and didn't give me any trouble. Then her parents came to pick her up and my little angel turned into a little devil. Why is it that children always act up when in their parent's presence?

I just watched her and smiled.

This is my last day before returning to work tomorrow. I've had five days off which is a lot for me. But today is my day. I slept in, I'm still in my jammies. I've enjoyed my first cup of coffee for the day and I'm watching sci-fi. Shoot, the last two days my TV hasn't been of the Nick channel! LOL Soon I will make myself lunch.

I've found that as I get older I enjoy my alone time. In fact I need it. I think we all do. But would I pass it up for a chance to spend it with the people I love? Absolutely!

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