We've all heard about the Kindle readers, but I don't hear authors discussing the unique opportunity to put their own work up on Kindle. I uploaded 7 flash fiction stories called "Over In a Flash," created it with a vision of how I wanted it presented, priced it and sent it out to the world.

Now my publisher, Billie Johnson of Oak Tree Press, is putting my novels on Kindle. We discussed it over the phone and she's agreed to offer a service for others who do not want to mess with the technology for uploading an entire novel or who have old manuscripts stuck in a drawer. They might as well be earning some money for you! She says Sci-fi and Fantasy are sought-after genres, and although she doesn't publish that genre, she would certainly put it on the Kindle list at her OTP website. If a Kindle book does well, she would offer the author a contract for a print book.

Here are some specs she sent me:

I would need a WORD or word compatible file (one file), and its parts should be in this order

title/author page
dedication (optional)
acknowledgements (optional)
Table of Contents (optional, usually don't have them in fiction)
Prefaces (optional)
The main Text
author bio

Also, if the book has been published elsewhere and there are no rights issues, send a pdf of the front cover. Otherwise I will make a cover. That will be free of cost, and also, I hope, free of too much criticism. I am not an artist. Of course, someone could employ a graphics artist independently and pay them themselves and then send me the jpg...that is fine too.

The OTP website is oaktreebooks.com
Tags: books, kindle, oak, tree


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