Digital short Saturday U.R. Mine Cheers

Good morning on this fine Saturday. Maybe you think I am tired or not with it, but yes, this is the author’s name and the title: U.R. Mine/Cheers. It rolls off the tongue and is cute. Hopefully we will hear a lot from this author as I enjoyed the story. I want to get right to it so is what is between the virtual covers:

“Author U.R. Mine tugs at you heart and soul with this intense and touching digital short story. Have you been married? Are you married? Are you thinking of getting married? This story is for anyone that has been in relationship and asks and answers all the right questions. It is short, sweet and worthy of the time; it will stick with you for a while.”

I was fortunate enough to have actually read this story on my anniversary. The timing was nothing short of amazing and it really hit home. Don’t want to give anything away, but I can totally identify with the characters, the husband and the wife. One does need to be married to get a firm hold on this story. U.R. Mine hits all the right notes and gets us to understand the characters’ plights rather quickly. She helps us to walk a mile in their shoes so to speak. For the buck, there is plenty of bang if you have any kind of heart, because that is where it is going to hit you. If you download this worthy story, take a minute and reflect on any relationship you might have with a friend or loved one after reading it. Spending the buck and the getting the read is only part of this story from U.R. Mine-Cheers!

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