Y'know what, Internet? I'm gonna take back some of the things I've said about you.

In this, the Information Age, we are inundated with factoids, trivia, and all other sorts of communique, but mostly to the same degree that you'd get from watching the TV Guide channel 24 hours a day. Obvious niches of sweetness and light--Plots with Guns, ThugLit, et al--are great, but it's really easy to dry your eyeballs out reading entire short stories on-line (not to bite any hands that have fed me here). Along those lines, then, we have the flash-fiction site. I've always liked flash fiction, writing and reading it, but you often only get so very little at a time. Out of the Gutter is the only tangible publication off the top of my head that actively keeps this nifty little genre going. It seems to me that no one wants to "waste" paper by publishing stories less than two pages long. So enter the Internet machine.

Take .15 seconds to google flash-fiction and see how many bite-sized delights you can find. Or your Uncle Jimmy here can make it easier for you and direct you to his own flash-fiction now up on Powder Burn Flash.

And as long as you've got five or ten minutes, check out some more on Powder Burn, and then bang a flash-fiction or three out yourself. It is good for what ails you.

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Comment by MysteryDawg on March 3, 2009 at 11:45am
YEah Jimmy.....thanks for the plug and your great story!

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