I've been a big fan of Elmore Leonard ever since I read his novel Mr. Paradise. I read his 10 Rules for Writers. Here's my review:

If you read customer's reviews of this hardcover book on Amazon.com you will quickly see that some people feel they were hoodwinked. In truth this "book" is really an article reprinted from The New York Times on the thickest paper I've ever seen between two covers. However, the book version includes over a dozen, beautiful full page illustrations by Joe Ciardiello. Still, I didn't buy it. I borrowed it from the library and read it in one short sitting. It was time well spent. Leonard is a brilliant writer and his advice is worth learning. You can pick up any of his novels and see his advice in application, but it's nice to see it all summed up succinctly in a few short pages. If you write fiction, get a hold of this book one way or another. Learn it, and then keep on trying to follow his rules. You'll know you've succeeded as soon as you become invisible.

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Comment by Mark Porter on January 31, 2011 at 9:49am
Elmore Leonard is a master. I love his westerns too. Just read Rum Punch for the second time. I saw The Hunter in a book clearance shop in Liverpool today. If it can happen to Dutch, it can happen to anyone.
Comment by Dana King on April 19, 2008 at 4:46am
I agree with Richard's assessment of Leonard as a writer, and of the value of knowing these rules. He's also right about the book: there's nothing new in it except the illustrations. The rules are probably still available on the web; they were on Leonard's web site until the book went into print. Look at the pictures in a library, get the rules off the net. Leonard doesn't need the money. This was a publisher's blatant attempt to milk money out of his name faster than he can write.

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