Yes, it's blow your own trumpet time here with the latest update in the seemingly endless rave reviews for MURDER MILE - as presented in all its finery to my left.

Keeping up the trumpet metaphor for a wee mo', I'd have to say I'm blown away (yes, see what I did there? etc, etc) by the kindness of reviewers. God bless each and every one of you!

I'm still scratching my head as to what it is I've done to attract such raves, so just putting it all down to the natty cover of the cop zipping up after a quick wizz!

Anyway, in reverse order, with newest one from SHOTS on the end, here's the latest list of reviews:

"Tony Black's Edinburgh makes Ian Rankin's version seem sedate, polite and carefree … DI Rob Brennan, in his second outing, makes a strong case to assume the mantle of Edinburgh's leading fictional detective, vacant since the retirement of Rebus … he's immensely well drawn, and Black's dialogue and atmosphere crackle with authenticity."
- The Times

"This up-and-coming crime writer isn't portraying the Edinburgh in the Visit Scotland tourism ads ... a convincing portrayal of Edinburgh low-life and police rivalries."
- The Sun

"Comparisons with Rebus will be obvious. But that would be too easy ... Black has put his defiant, kick-ass stamp on his leading man, creating a character that deftly carries the story through every razor-sharp twist and harrowing turn. DI Rob Brennan is my new star on the capital's murder mile. And you can't help but think Rebus would approve."
- Daily Record

“An authentic yet unique voice, Tony Black shows why he is leading the pack in British crime fiction today. His deeply disturbing previous books have been labeled tartan noir, but Murder Mile is in a class of its own, from gripping beginning to shocking end. Atmospherically driven, the taut and sparse prose is as near to the bone you are ever likely to encounter in crime noir. Powerful.”
- New York Journal of Books

"Murder Mile is the second outing for DI Rob Brennan, a complex and brooding character who makes Rebus look positively chipper by comparison ... With Murder Mile Tony Black has put the heart back into the serial killer novel. It’s dark, yes, and deeply unpleasant in places, as it should be, but he hasn’t played to shock and there’s a refreshing lack of cheap gore. Rob Brennan is the perfect guide to follow through the criminal underworld, a bundle of rage and righteousness, and after reading Murder Mile the next fictional DI you come across will have a lot to live up to."
- Crime Fiction Lover

"This is no ordinary police procedural, folks. This is for those discerning readers who want more than a puzzle, it’s for those readers who want their intellect nudged while they plunge headlong into the whodunit. Murder Mile is a hugely satisfying read on all levels and comes highly recommended."
- Crime Squad

"What makes this book from Tony a wonderful read is his tight prose, solid arc and when backed with a character that is fully fleshed that feels like a familiar friend after a short time, makes this a title that is not only hard to put down but nigh impossible."
- Falcata Times

"Although Black's creation walks the same beat as Ian Rankin's DI Rebus, this representation of Edinburgh is much grittier and desolate ... a superior crime read."
- Hull Daily Mail

"Murder Mile is a terrific, unflinching, intense and harrowing look into the heart of the city's darkness, digging deeper than simple social realism and confirming Tony Black’s position as a master of Tartan Noir."
- You Would Say That, Wouldn't You

"Murder Mile is not only a tight, well written and thought provoking hunt for a serial killer but it is also a novel that shows you the dark side of Edinburgh ... a well-paced police procedural that has a twist to the end that will leave you astonished at the ingenuity of it." 

:: Read more reviews of MURDER MILE at Amazon

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