The second of my DI Rob Brennan series has just been launched and the first review is in ...

"Tony Black's Edinburgh makes Ian Rankin's version seem sedate, polite and carefree… DI Rob Brennan, in his second outing, makes a strong case to assume the mantle of Edinburgh's leading fictional detective, vacant since the retirement of Rebus … he's immensely well drawn, and Black's dialogue and atmosphere crackle with authenticity."

-Marcel Berlins, The Times

If I wasn't chuffed enough with that, the second one - by no less than Sam Millar - has just blown me away ...

“An authentic yet unique voice, Tony Black shows why he is leading the pack in British crime fiction today. His deeply disturbing previous books have been labeled tartan noir, but Murder Mile is in a class of its own, from gripping beginning to shocking end. Atmospherically driven, the taut and sparse prose is as near to the bone you are ever likely to encounter in crime noir. Powerful.”

- New Yourk Journal of Books

Murder Mile is published by RH UK, more details are available on my website

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