Does a writer have a responsibility to readers? Novels Beyond Good Taste: Sex, Profanity and Violence--Where do you stand on this issue? Join us on Hook'em and Book'em for a closer look at this issue.
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Comment by Mark Young on August 23, 2010 at 6:56am
I agree, Geraldine. Author Dean Koontz walks his readers into some pretty dark places, but his humor and the characters he creates still draw a reader into the story. For example, the Brother Odd series or his latest, Frankensten: Lost Souls. A great balance between humor and horror.
Personally, when I read a book, I want to be entertained and meet characters I quickly care about. I don't want to be sickened to the stomach. I find a little humour goes a much longer way to entertain than the endless serial-killer gorefest.
Comment by Mark Young on August 22, 2010 at 1:32pm
Appreciate your comments, Dan. I agree that writers must be true to themselves and to their craft. We all take different paths to achieve this, and we may not always agree with each other. That is part of the excitement of working with so many creative people. I think a well-crafted, tasteful novel can meet the needs of the market as well as the writer. As always, we must let the market decide in the end. At the end of the day, I hope we can look back with few regrets.
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