Wouldn't it be nice if the writers in this group each had their own publicity agent? Publicity can cost money—but it doesn't have to.

I'm signed up on BookTour.com. This nifty website is the brainchild of three San Francisco authors who use technology to connect authors with audiences.

In 2006, they launched the idea to the world. Authors create a page with their bio, books, and tour dates. Venues looking for speakers list their site on BookTour.

What happens next is simple: based on your zip code, you are automatically notified when an author is speaking in your area. My recent speaking engagement at the Kings County Library was on the site. When I notified friends and authors of this unique promotional opportunity, the response was enough to garner me the title of Author of the Day.

It doesn't end there. An author can enter zip codes and find groups open to speakers. I entered the zip codes for cities where I have friends willing to put me up for the night and found an abundance of groups to contact.

Looking for speakers for a group is always difficult. Why not try BookTour and let the speakers find out about your venue?

I've developed my own PR project. I call it “The Murder Circle.” I've made many friends in the mystery world and I like to find out what they're up to. Combining curiosity with my journalistic background (and a love of gossip), I write a weekly column and send it out to mystery lovers and mystery authors. It's more fun than blogging about myself. I never run out of material.

The column has been a huge hit with readers. If you're interested in checking out the Circle, go to http://www.sunnyfrazier.com/MurderCircle/ Or, just google my name. It's on my website. Contact me with your publishing news and let me play publicist.

Another way I'm getting free publicity is through a column I write for the local newspaper. I was asked to write a monthly column titled “Write On!” for the entertainment page. I went to two Christmas parties and it seems everyone in my small town has been reading the column. One woman clips it and sends it to friends 300 miles away.

You should never have to pay for publicity, not when there are free venues to reach readers, book buyers and the media.

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