Noir is not easily defined. The American Heritage Dictionary describes noir as:

  1. Of or relating to the film noir genre.
  2. Of or relating to a genre of crime literature featuring tough, cynical characters and bleak,
    sleazy settings. (Hardboiled Noir)
  3. Suggestive of danger or violence.

NoirCon does not embrace any one particular definition, it only strikes out to celebrate the notion that modern man as the anti-hero, the protagonist who is a loser.

Good doesn’t always win over evil. Each guy is on his own. What happens is sometimes sheer luck or circumstance. It depends on how a guy reacts to situations – or what he can get away with. The losers simply are the losers and stay the
losers. There is no comfortable
redemption nor faith to sustain reason in an unreasonable world. Man is alone.
His violence is a syndrome of this condition.

NoirCon in the purest sense of the word is a forum where all those who appreciate noir can come together to debate, plot, boast, or simply party with like minded individuals. It is a
four-day journey into that abyss (usually held in Philadelphia, the birthplace of David Goodis,
one of the unsung greats of Noir) that offers everyone involved an opportunity
to have a helluva good time looking into the bottomless, downward void that is Noir!
NoirCon 2010 will take place November 4th, 5th, 6th and 7th – 2010!

As we revel in the darkness, we try to provide light for those in need. Our charity of choice this year is the AIDS FUND.

Questions? Thoughts? Please do not hesitate to contact us at


Lou Boxer and Deen Kogan

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Comment by Louis Boxer on June 7, 2010 at 3:09am
I agree with you. Paint it black and then imagine it even darker!
Comment by Benjamin Sobieck on June 7, 2010 at 2:22am
I'd throw in a number 4: A feeling of inescapable doom.

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