It's Christmas Eve 2010.

D-Day for the digital E-Book Revolution. On this day and in particular, tomorrow, Christmas Day, more Kindle, Nooks, E-Readers and more will be
unwrapped and put to use than on any other single previous day. Not only
will there be a rush to purchase E-Books, but more will be sold
tomorrow than ever before.

The good news for authors: there is an infinite supply of your books on the virtual shelf. Even if thousands
of them get uploaded tonight and tomorrow and during the week, your book
will always be available to the reader. And even if it doesn't sell all
that well, it won't be pulled off the shelf to make room for the new
Patterson or Brown. It will always be there, right beside the new
Patterson and Brown. Not only do authors make more money on the e-book
sales, but so do the publishers. Not only are independent publishers
pushing sales on Xmas, so are the majors like my former NYC boss, Random
House. Check out this article in PC Speed:


Get the rest of the scoop from theVincent Zandri Vox!

Views: 26


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Comment by Marja McGraw on December 28, 2010 at 7:25am
You've convinced me. I need to go look at ratings.
Comment by Vincent Zandri on December 26, 2010 at 10:25am
Yah, it's been weird .... at least judging from kindle standings, numbers have been all over the place...which means lots of books are being sold, never mind my own:))
Comment by Conda V Douglas on December 26, 2010 at 10:23am
Yay! Let the revolution rock!

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