JKathleen's Comments

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At 5:55am on September 7, 2009, Christopher Valen said…
Thank you for the friend invitation, Kathleen, and congratulations on your retirement. I visited Oregon a long time ago, but would love to return. It is a beautiful place.
At 10:48am on September 3, 2009, Mike Dennis said…
Thanks, Kathleen. Just remember to carry a big purse.
--Mike Dennis
Las Vegas
At 6:30am on September 3, 2009, Mike Dennis said…
Thanks for the friend invite. Naturally, I accept.

My website will be up within a week or so. It's being designed as we speak (or as we write, in this case). I'll let you know when it's ready to be seen by human eyes.
--Mike Dennis
Las Vegas
At 9:53am on April 1, 2008, L.J. Sellers said…
Thank you. I sincerely hope you enjoy it. Parts of THE SEX CLUB were difficult to write, but overall, this was a rewarding project for me.
At 12:56am on March 1, 2008, Lee Lofland said…
I'm glad you're enjoying The Graveyard Shift. Stop by often. This week I'm discussing crime scene investigation.
At 4:33am on February 18, 2008, L.J. Sellers said…
How can I not say Hi to someone who likes everyone?
You inspire me to be less judgmental.
At 8:41am on February 17, 2008, Newt Love said…
JKathleen, you're a crime author, too? You must do it all! (and so well, too!)
Glad to have a cousin to run around cyberspace with! If you find something I "must see" let me know. I;ll keep you at the top of my "share a clue" list, too.
Blessings on your path,
At 9:50pm on February 8, 2008, Kevin M. Weeks said…
Thanks for dropping by my crimespace. Mary Saums says you needed slang names. Need any help?
At 4:01am on February 6, 2008, Bill Kirton said…
Thanks for the invitation, Kathleen. I endorse your enthusiasm for living in the moment. (But I have to confess that - unlike you - I do dislike some people - mainly those who disrespect and fail to acknowledge the rights of others.) But it's all part of the wonderful texture.
At 2:25pm on February 5, 2008, Karyn J. Powers said…
Glad you were moved by the poem Frailties.
At 11:40am on February 4, 2008, Mary Saums said…
Hi, jKathleen - I like your attitude. It's easy to get caught up in things and forget that we've only got today. Sorry, I don't know any slang names, but there's bound to be someone here who does. Good to see you here!

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