I like your new pic, no longer the "little girl: look.
I share your enthusiasm for Cormac McCarthy. The movie is due later this years with Viggo Mortensen in the lead, and Charleze Theron as the wife never seen but only spoken of in the book. This child is Koti Smit-McPhee, now twelve ... a little old for the part but Mortensen should be able to carry the plot.
You're right, Laura. I will post some photos of Luca (aka, His Lordship of Eternal Cuteness). The best one I have of his is one my husband emailed me, and I can't seem to get it into My Pictures. I'll have to break down and get Mike to show me how.
You're a better woman than I, Laura! I just now cleaned off my desk and found my Thrillerfest name badge holder, where I've stuffed all my collected cards, thinking: yeah, I should get to that soon.
So, back at you! Great to meet you, and I enjoyed your panel as well.
When I think of something better for an avatar . . .
Tolkien's elves and the Icelandic Saga elves are tall, but even that would be relative. You would have been tall during the Medieval and Rennaissance; and I always thought you somewhat elfin, especially when your hair was so short.
Honestly . . . some people can't take a compliment, or even a metaphor.
Yeah - we became ballroom dancing enthusiasts just a little too late in life, but we do enjoy watching people improve from week to week - I'm always looking at the musicality, Mary Lynn is always looking at the wardrobe.
When I was at Actuality Productions in Santa Monica, we shared the floor with America's Next Top Model's production office and staff. What's Her Name (the host) is rude and Klum can't be bothered with basic civility. Not impressive.
Mary Lynn is doing garment and accessory design, now, so she watches Next Top Designer - but it's no news that talent and good manners are often exclusive of each other.
Glad to see you made it back safely as well. I really enjoyed the paranormal panel at ThrillerFest. I only wish I'd been able to hang around and talk for a bit afterwards, but I was needed elsewhere. However, I did pick up a copy of your book, and I'm looking forward to reading it soon. It sounds great!
Thanks, Laura! I haven't been on here much, either. My July 15 deadline is coming way too fast. I'm glad you like my trailer, but you have upped the bar with yours!
Hang in there, Laura. When we're deeply into our characters and give them a true black moment, it always wrenches at our hearts. That's often when we write our best stuff, when it is almost too painful to go to the keyboard.
and thanks for dropping by. :-)
I came to SIU after five years as a civilian in Morale, Welfare and Recreation for the US military. My last two years were in Iceland (where a temperature of 50 degrees meant women took their shirts off and sunned in their bras and skirts at lunch) I started at SIU in August. It was 100 degrees and 100% humididty, w/out rain. I slogged through that month and the fall, feeling like I was stuck in a perpetual monsoon of perspiration.
Laura Benedict's Comments
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And http://www.freado.com/book/5120/THE-RHYME-MAN
I share your enthusiasm for Cormac McCarthy. The movie is due later this years with Viggo Mortensen in the lead, and Charleze Theron as the wife never seen but only spoken of in the book. This child is Koti Smit-McPhee, now twelve ... a little old for the part but Mortensen should be able to carry the plot.
We are going to have a blast, whatever brand of bubbly we decide on!! :)
(I might even start getting primed for it now--should make the airport a more pleasant experience!) ;)
See you soon!
I'm new to the site and saw your profile.
I'm working on a RS project. Hrothgar reminds me of my Lab Hank.
Check out my fan club... All three of them, Hank, Gracie, & Daisey...LOL
So, back at you! Great to meet you, and I enjoyed your panel as well.
Tolkien's elves and the Icelandic Saga elves are tall, but even that would be relative. You would have been tall during the Medieval and Rennaissance; and I always thought you somewhat elfin, especially when your hair was so short.
Honestly . . . some people can't take a compliment, or even a metaphor.
When I was at Actuality Productions in Santa Monica, we shared the floor with America's Next Top Model's production office and staff. What's Her Name (the host) is rude and Klum can't be bothered with basic civility. Not impressive.
Mary Lynn is doing garment and accessory design, now, so she watches Next Top Designer - but it's no news that talent and good manners are often exclusive of each other.
Glad to see you made it back safely as well. I really enjoyed the paranormal panel at ThrillerFest. I only wish I'd been able to hang around and talk for a bit afterwards, but I was needed elsewhere. However, I did pick up a copy of your book, and I'm looking forward to reading it soon. It sounds great!
Thanks for the friendship here and on MySpace. :)
J. K.
Let's keep in touch.
and thanks for dropping by. :-)
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