MysteryDawg's Comments

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At 11:51am on March 3, 2009, Jimmy Callaway said…
The thanks are still to you, my good sir. Kudos, and kudos again!
At 2:33pm on January 8, 2009, Daddy's Bearamiss said…
Dadddddyyyy I love you :) your amazing!! Couldn't ever ask for a better daddddyyy cuz there isnt any better. I miss you! <3
At 12:32am on November 25, 2008, Hull Crime Fiction said…
Good to find you on here, Aldo!
At 1:39pm on September 28, 2008, Linda Brown said…
did you see our tweets? what a slut -- "How many copies (of Go Go Girls) did the customer buy?" I'm so bummed I'm not going to B'Con... it's the best chance to see the "Heartland Boys" as I think of them. Oh well.
At 1:17pm on September 28, 2008, MysteryDawg said…
No Problems. Hey is that Gischler guy been around? lol
At 1:08pm on September 28, 2008, Linda Brown said…
Hey, Aldo, I'm a bit of a rookie here in Crimespace, so be gentle with me. Come on down to L.A. soon -- it's been too quiet!
At 1:50pm on July 12, 2008, K.R. Lewis said…
Hi Aldo: Fancy meeting you again...and in here. Did you check out "The Future Is Bleak" today? Sir Ben LeRoy stole my next NETDRAG guest, Eric Stone! I'll give Eric a week to rest up, then he's going to be on MY podcast. Unless somebody else's booked him too.
At 11:28am on July 11, 2008, Paul McGoran said…
Hi Dawg,
Pleased to meecha and be a friend. I'll be sending along a flash to Powder Burn soon.
At 6:40am on June 24, 2008, J.R. Lindermuth said…
Thanks Aldo. A pleasure to greet you here.
At 4:54pm on June 16, 2008, Richard M. Johnson said…
Okay, I can tell by your pictures that you've been to the Mystery Bookstore and our booth at the LA Times Bookfair - so who are you? Really, we should have met.
At 10:41am on June 16, 2008, Angela Wilson said…
Cool! Tell you what. I run the book blog at Pop Syndicate. I'm opening it up to Web sites dedicated to author exposure - especially podiocast sites, as well as eBook sites. Shoot me an email and let's chat about it. I'd love to feature both of your blogs on there.
At 1:44am on May 26, 2008, Angie said…
Glad to hear you dig the show! And sure, I'll be happy to help you out however I can with podcasting.
At 11:28pm on May 19, 2008, Ed Lynskey said…
Thanks, Aldo. Much appreciated from a newbie here. Enjoying your blogs and Powder Flash Burn, as well.
At 10:29am on April 21, 2008, Dawn M. Kravagna said…
I'll check out that new crime/mystery short story site. I do have problems going over 10,000 words with my short stories and have to cut them back about 600 words or so. Have a good week. Dawn
At 9:40am on March 31, 2008, Allan Guthrie said…
Glad you enjoyed the video, Aldo. It was snowing off and on all day.
At 6:19am on March 29, 2008, dennis marshall said…
just thought i would say hi dawg.
At 11:01am on March 21, 2008, Jennifer Colt said…
Yep. Hi Aldo.
At 12:59pm on March 18, 2008, Jennie Msangi said…
I've dated a few dawgs so I guess I can be friends with one. Count me in.
At 8:48am on March 16, 2008, A. N. Smith said…
Yo Aldo...That dawg, he smells blood!
At 6:38pm on March 14, 2008, Robin Fletcher said…
Thanks for the invite pleased to meet you

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