Rhys Bowen's Comments

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At 5:06am on May 21, 2007, Mary Saums said…
Hi, Rhys - I enjoyed talking with you at Malice. Looking forward to your new series!
At 6:32pm on May 20, 2007, Kerrie said…
Hello Rhys
I've read some of your Constable Evans series but none of the Molly Murphy ones. Your new series sounds interesting. How many titles do you envisage? How many have you written so far?
At 1:45am on May 19, 2007, Rhys Bowen said…
I do agree that blogs, sites like this do detract from writing time. I should be working on rewrites at this moment. I should learn only to check my blog once a week. But I don't.
I guess I'm essentially a social person and when I'm working I like to stay in touch.
And the thrilling thing about this profession is that we make so many good friends!
At 2:47pm on May 18, 2007, Elaine Flinn said…
Hi, Rhys!
Good to see you here. Best of luck with the blog - I wish I had your energy! My year at Murderti was a killer time wise - just not enough hours in the day with everything else I'm committed to these days. Great video!
At 3:44am on May 17, 2007, Robin Burcell said…
Great video, Rhys! I have to admit, the photos in it were amazing. But not nearly as amazing as the narrator. It makes it all seem so very... British! Can't wait for the book to come out.

And, yes, my photographer was brilliant. Which makes you brilliant, being that you are one and the same!
At 12:58am on May 17, 2007, Rhys Bowen said…
Hi, Suzanne:
I'm going to be in SouCal on July 28/29 hosting a couple of royal teas for my new book, Her royal Spyness. One at LA Mystery Books, one in San Diego. Also signing at Myteries to Die for and at Book'em.
The royal teas should be fun. Hats and gloves required, of course.
At 8:43am on May 16, 2007, Rhys Bowen said…
Oh, and Robin, I should add that your photo must have been taken by an outstandingly expert photographer as well!
At 8:41am on May 16, 2007, Rhys Bowen said…
Hi Robin,
I should declare here, publicly before half the world that you are the most amazing, brilliant photographer and I'm sure you'd take commissions, (for a suitable fee, of course).
Have you checked out my video promo?
I'm rather proud of it
At 7:18am on May 16, 2007, Robin Burcell said…
Hi Rhys! Thanks for the invite. Love the photo, too. No doubt your photographer is as good as mine!
At 2:02am on May 16, 2007, Rhys Bowen said…
Thanks for the welcome, guys--although I'm mulling over the warning about this place becoming adictive. I already have to check my other blogsite at least once a day. Now this too! Will that new book ever get started?
At 12:14am on May 16, 2007, Lee Lofland said…
Hi Rhys. I seem to see you everywhere I go!

The new series sounds great and if it's anything like the others you'll add many more awards to your collection.
At 1:54pm on May 15, 2007, Lesa Holstine said…
Hi Rhys,

I'm a regular reader of The Ladykillers, as well as DorothyL. And, if everything goes OK, I plan to be at The Poisoned Pen's Royal Spyness tea in July.
At 1:44pm on May 15, 2007, Steven Torres said…
By the way, with three series and short stories, you're clearly finding the time to write regardless of blog duties.
At 1:43pm on May 15, 2007, Steven Torres said…
Welcome aboard. The place becomes addictive. Great picture.

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