A Crime That Shocked A City...

In 1995, Austin, Texas was rocked by the brutal murder of a lesbian princess named Regina Hartwell. Even though Regina's body was burned beyond recognition, within days police had two suspects. One was the beautiful ex-cheerleader who was the object of Regina's desire. The other was a man who would take the fall for murder...

A Killer's Heinous Acts ...

In this new edition of her bestselling book Wasted, true crime master Suzy Spencer chronicles a fatal love triangle and lives driven out of control by sexual desire, drugs, and shocking childhood demons.

A Twisted Road To Justice...

Four years after Regina Hartwell's murder, a new charge was brought against one of her suspected killers. Now, Suzy Spencer adds a new chapter to Wasted detailing a killer gone wild, a nerve-wracking legal standoff, the shocking twists that would take place in a second, explosive trial...

16 pages of shocking photos!

ABC's Primetime Live has referred to Suzy Spencer as Austin, Texas', best-known true crime writer. She is the author of The Fortune Hunter; Breaking Point, the story of Andrea Yates, a Book of the Month Club, Doubleday Book Club, Literary Guild and Mystery Guild selection; Wages of Sin; and Wasted, a New York Times bestseller and Violet Crown Book Award finalist. Spencer has appeared on Good Morning America, ABC World News, Primetime, Dateline NBC, Fox News, CNN, MSNBC, Court TV, Oxygen, and the E! Channel. She lives in Austin, Texas.

We will discuss WASTED, plus hear about Spencer's sex research....including creative use of kitchen utensils THIS SATURDAY on TRUE CRIMES

All this and more when you listen to TRUE CRIMES with Burl Barer and Don Woldman produced by Matt Alan for Outlaw Radio USA!

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