One of the recent members joining Crimespace said that they found the site through an article in USA Today. After a quick search, I found the article, which also happens to mention other sites like Crimespot and Confessions, as well as a few authors who I'd love to have as members (hint, hint). On top of that, the article came from Reuters, so it's been syndicated all over the place.

I believe that MWA has written about Crimespace in their newsletter, and I know that the CWA, Crimespree and Mystery Scene has as well (because they interviewed me).

I'm trying to get together a proper 'press' section on the site, so I'm wondering if anyone else has stumbled across references to Crimespace that I'm not aware of.

If so, please share.

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Good grief - I'll have to get T-Shirts made up - we knew him when he was just a Minor-Super-Hero Web Wrangler.....

Congrats Daniel - the site deserves all the press it can get!
haha! i want one of those t-shirts!

daniel, that is so cool! congratulations!
Yeah, I've quite happily used all sorts of metaphors in reference to Crimespace. I welcome people aboard (the good ship Crimey-space), perform tricks with webs (your friendly neighbourhood Crimespacer), and even touch on the supernatural (Your Crimespace Underlord).
Daniel, fun! Did you see a little surge in membership after the USA Today thing? And congratulations: all the attention is well deserved.
Thanks everyone. Oh yes, there's been an amazing surge of what could possibly a total of five members!

Actually, I've always been aware of syndication in newspapers but I didn't realise how automated it was. Kind of destroys the idea of newspaper loyalty really.
Daniel, several people have told me the best way to find out if my book and I have been mentioned in the press (print as well as online, eg reviews) is to sign up for Google Alerts. No reviews yet (not Google's fault, the book won't be out till mid-April), and so far, most of what they've found has been my own blog posts on Poe's Deadly Daughters. (Didn't need their help for that.) So I'm not sure, if you asked them to find references to CrimeSpace, if they'd just circle around and find CrimeSpace for you. On the other hand, I've learned through them that various bookstore websites are already listing (and therefore presumably stocking) my book, which was welcome news. Google Alerts is free, so it might be worth a try. Liz
I have used Google Alerts before, but it ended up feeling like work, so I stopped. I might give it another try though. Thanks, Liz.
Congrats, Daniel
How about a new title of Crime SHO-GUN
General Crime Space is my full name.


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