So What Do You Guys Have Going on in Writing Right Now?

Just curious on what everyone is doing. Anyone got any new deals to report? Anyone got work out on sub for agents or publishers? Anyone just got an agent or publisher? Anyone on lock down writing on that next blockbuster crime novel? Anyone editing and revising?

My next release comes out 2011. That's book one in the series. Book two comes out 2012, yaaa! Right now I just started yet another book in the series and beyond that I'm just relaxing. I'm supposed to be on break but my muse struck and so I had to write, LOL!  I've also been doing a lot of promotion lately.

What's going on in your writing lives? I thought it would be cool to have a thread where we mention what's going on with our work and all.

I hope all is going well!

Best Wishes!

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Sounds interesting, Dan. I just read Mark Kurlansky's non-fiction, 1968, a very good book. Good luck with yours.

Me, I'm now officially one year behind and have until the end of the year to finish the manuscript if the book will come out in 2011. These are the advantages of a small press, very understanding.
Dan you'll find a home! Your book sounds very interesting!

I agree. There are some wonderful advantages when working with a small press. I'm enjoying it myself. Feels so free and actually feels good to make decisions about your own project.

Best Wishes!
Working on number nine in the Akitada series (contract pending), waiting for number eight to be released the end of the year in the UK and spring in the US. Contract pending on short story collection. Still working on getting the trilogy on Kindle. (And none of it is much to celebrate).
Book two in my series just released. Book three releases in 2011. Trying to get book four started. Other than that, not a lot, lol!
Congratulations, Pepper!
Book three in the series under contract and (slowly) in progress. Lots of fun! Also writing occasional poems, and thinking I should get back to my memoir-in-progress before I forget everything. Then there's the literary novel I want to write... So many projects, so little time.
Great thread, Stacy. No matter where we are in the process, it sounds like we're all doing the same thing - writing!

Boiling Point, book two in my Point series of environmental thrillers, comes out December 28, so I'm gearing up for promotion on that. I have a proposal for a third Point book with my editor, and am putting the finishing touches on a proposal for a science thriller trilogy for young adults that my agent will begin shopping soon. I'm definitely having a lot of fun with it - I'm writing in first person, present tense, which I've never done before, but which is coming pretty easily. This story is told from a single pov (instead of multiple povs), it takes place in one location (instead of multiple locations), and because it's YA, the book is shorter! What's not to love? Fingers crossed, and all that . . .
Karen that sounds fabulous! That sounds like an amazing series! You've been busy, LOL!

Continued success to you!
I just sent in corrected galley proofs for Deadly Currents, the first book in my new RM Outdoor Adventures mystery series. It will be released March, 2011, and is already listed on Amazon and B&N. The trade pb/e-book release of A Real Basket Case (already out in hardcover) is on track for November, 2011. I turned in the manuscript for Wicked Eddies, book two in the new series a couple of months ago and am awaiting the editor's review comments. And, I'm plugging away on the rough draft of book 3 in my Claire Hanover gift basket designer mystery series, about 2/3rds done.
I'm working on a licensed CSI novel, called CSI: Burning Season. Somehow I'm stuck on B titles for my CSI books, which also include Brass in Pocket and Blood Quantum. (Side note: on the CSI that airs tonight on CBS, a re-run from last October, my graphic novel Zombie Cop makes a cameo appearance in the opening scene, being read by a patron in a diner.) I'm also just finishing up the final revisions on a crime novel that'll go to my agent on Monday, so fingers crossed on that one. And I've just learned that my short story "Gold Shield Blues" has been accepted into the anthology San Diego Noir, coming from Akashic in 2011.
I'm finishing up the first book in a new series - a cozy comic suspense, THE MAN WHO DID TOO MUCH. I hope to put it out on Kindle in the spring.

I'll be starting on the second book in my western-whodunnit series in a couple of weeks, I hope.


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