It's taken a while, and I've been pulling my hair, but I have finally managed to publish two stories to Kindle, Nook, and Smashwords.  This time I didn't go through my agent's office. I got some formatting help and then uploaded myself.  The stories are mine and so are the cover designs.  This is an achievement of sorts for someone as technically inept as I am.


I have a good mind to do more in the future.


The point is: if I can do it, so can you.

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Big congrats, LJ! I'm sure you'll be glad you did this. I've not done the Smashwords thing, only Kindle and Nook, and I know some of the frustrations involved in the upload. I also design my own covers. Have never used Photoshop, hear it's a bear to learn. I use Microsoft Picture It, which I got with my old computer (2003). I just bought a new one, used the CD to load the program and it works fine. If you can get hold of this program, it's much easier to use than photoshop.


May you have many sales with your new ebook!


Thanks, Susan, and the same to you.  I started out with Photo Studio, a freebie with a scanner, I think. It was fine, but I had trouble getting it to do the lettering right.  I'm only doing simple stuff with PhotoShop, and yes, it's harder than my old system.  The biggest problem, though, is the fact that I don't do this fulltime, so I keep forgetting between covers.
Congratulations, we know from first hand experience how hard it is to navigate the KDP system the first time.
Thanks, Noir Nation. I hope it gets easier with time.  :)


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