All Blog Posts (12,730)

Author Update

My last public appearance was on a panel at Fall for the Book. I sat on a panel with three other talented Virginia wordsmiths at George Mason University where much of the festival took place. My reading from Russian Roulette appeared to please the audience, as did the diverse material from the other authors. It was great fun and I hope it becomes an annual event for the Northern Virginia Chapter of the Virginia Writers Club, which hosted the readings.

Added by Austin S. Camacho on October 3, 2011 at 8:11am — No Comments

The Piranha Assignment is here!!

My latest Stark and O’Brien adventure thriller, The Piranha Assignment, was released today! You can order a copy from today, or get your Kindle copy for 99 cents.

Added by Austin S. Camacho on October 2, 2011 at 10:12am — No Comments

Lots of reviews & book giveaways in the new issue of KRL

New issue of Kings River Life is up! We have an interview with mystery writer Sally Carpenter, a review of her first mystery novel "The Baffled Beatlemaniac Caper", & a chance to win a copy of the book

And we have a review of the new thriller/suspense TV show "Ringer"… Continue

Added by Lorie Ham on October 2, 2011 at 8:51am — No Comments

Attention Authors!

If you're interested in a free author spot on Sex Between the Covers Blog for 2012 it's on a first come first serve basis. I have 24 spots available. Contact me at to reserve yours!

New Release spots go up for one whole month for a very low price. Right now I'm booked for October and November.

Own This Spot for a Year for an extremely low price. There are two. Details are on the ADs link to the right.

Right now there are only 23 openings… Continue

Added by Tory Richards on October 2, 2011 at 6:44am — No Comments


Podcast book creation

Creating an audio book

It is strongly recommended that you visit these sites, read an download guides and instructions

Sites: both have excellent instructions


1. Obtain a quality microphone

2. Download audio creating and editing software

a. AUDACITY to record and edit sound files

b. THE LEVELATOR to level sound at…


Added by Ed Casas on October 1, 2011 at 3:30am — No Comments

Mallory Petersen and Company

Beta book trailer:

Back in 1988, when I worked for radio station WKEI/WJRE in the self proclaimed “Hog Capital of the World” town of Kewanee, Illinois, one of my fellow broadcasters was named Gary Petersen. He was the first person I knew who spelled the surname with EN rather than ON. When I created my private investigator/martial artist, I gave a slight nod of admiration to Gary by… Continue

Added by Stephen Brayton on September 30, 2011 at 11:01pm — No Comments

The Writer's Connection

My reading list has multiplied faster than a litter of reggaetoning

bunnies. Once the word was out that I’d been on the hunt for good Latino

mysteries, I’d somehow connected with a bunch of readers and a crazy number of

writers.  When I started blogging and trying to figure out what I wanted to

focus on, I came up with three things. They were spirituality,…


Added by Theresa Varela on September 30, 2011 at 7:30am — No Comments

Thunder & Lightning on every page.

I think some of the best advice I've been given is to create tension on every page.  I got this from one of Donald Maas' books.


This led to my first rule of writing crime fiction:  Never bore the reader.  That means there needs to be figurative thunder and lightning on every page.  It can be overt or subtle, physical or psychological, and without a doubt it can be real or perceived.  But in all cases it means making your…


Added by Brian Hoffman on September 30, 2011 at 7:24am — No Comments

Another Great Blog

If you enjoy my Stark and O’Brien series, you’ll love the blog called Murder Mystery and Mayhem. This blog, more diverse than most, is for readers of mystery, crime, thriller, and suspense novels. The site gets books free from authors and publishers to review and giveaway. To maintain their objectivity the website runners make no promises that any of these books will be reviewed. I like the fact that all the books, reviewed or not, are donated to local libraries or given away in contests.… Continue

Added by Austin S. Camacho on September 29, 2011 at 9:36pm — 1 Comment

New trailer for my New Novel

The trailer for my new novel The Piranha Assignment is posted on… along with lots of other cool videos.

Added by Austin S. Camacho on September 29, 2011 at 1:27am — No Comments

Blog Tours Gelati Media


-Are you looking for something different than what is out there in the blog tour world?

- Do you want to have your blog tour reflect your style, taste and give it added dimension, depth and impact?

-Are you looking for your work to be seen on more than just Amazon, a blog and Twitter?

When it comes to social networks, you have stopped at the place that has…


Added by Giovanni Gelati on September 28, 2011 at 1:29am — No Comments

The Affair - Lee Child

Well, all of you Reacher Creatures* - do you have your copy of Lee Child's latest book - The Affair - yet? It releases today!

I don't bother reading the flyleaf or any pre-pub… Continue

Added by Luanne Ollivier on September 27, 2011 at 10:00pm — 1 Comment

New Adventure Novel Trailer

The trailer for my new novel The Piranha Assignment is posted on - Check it out!

Added by Austin S. Camacho on September 27, 2011 at 9:16pm — No Comments



I haven't mentioned this yet, but I had a new book come out in June. 


It's called A BUCKET OF BOOBS and it's available on Kindle!


Here are a few details:


Working girls. 


Sometimes with a heart of gold, sometimes with a heart of coal and sometimes just showing up late to the party,…


Added by John Weagly on September 27, 2011 at 7:34am — No Comments

A.J. Scudiere Guest Post

A.J. Scudiere will be my guest on The G-ZONE Weds. Sept. 28th @12pm EST. Here is a little something to get the ball rolling before the interview:

The writing of a thriller is just as much of a puzzle as the story itself is . . .

When I started writing God’s Eye, I already knew how the story would go. I knew which character was the demon and which was the angel. I knew what Katharine would have to go through to find her way and what the path she eventually chose would…


Added by Giovanni Gelati on September 27, 2011 at 6:14am — No Comments

Update on the banned Google Ad

Noir Nation has won a victory over the Google algorithm. A human AdWords specialist at Google determined that we were not in violation. No reason was given, yet it seems that our initial suspicion was correct: the SYSTEM determined we were in violation of Google policy. Google has reinstated our account, but we missed a couple peak weeks of advertising and possibly sales due to the "mistake".


In The Castle, Franz Kafka wrote about the faceless system.  You don't get much more…


Added by Noir Nation on September 27, 2011 at 1:33am — No Comments

Recognition...or None

When my first book came out, some years ago, it was like someone dropped a pebble in Lake Michigan. My friends and acquaintances were thrilled, so locally, there were ripples. The larger world barely noticed.

My second book, the first Simon & Elizabeth mystery, got more attention: good reviews from PUBLISHERS WEEKLY, LIBRARY JOURNAL, BOOKLIST, etc.

The third book also got good reviews, and people (very few, but still) started saying, "I've heard of you" when I went to book…


Added by Peg Herring on September 26, 2011 at 11:15pm — 3 Comments

Richard Doetsch, Natasha Deen,… and an amazingly full week on blogtalk radio-The G-ZONE

We have another great week of guests here on The G-ZONE many of them returning guests and for that we are very thankful. Without further ado, here is this week’s lineup:

Monday, Sept. 26th- Natasha Deen-4pm EST

Tuesday, Sept. 27th- Richard Doetsch-12 pm EST

Wednesday., Sept. 28th – Karen Mender ( Co-Founder Self- Publishing Book Expo) & A.J. Scudriere 12pm EST

Thursday, Sept. 29th- Sebastian Stuart & James Winter (Ebookery…


Added by Giovanni Gelati on September 26, 2011 at 9:38am — No Comments

Submissions:Do you have any?

Sunday, Sunday , Sunday. How are you doing? Good day to all. I come to you once again as we here at Trestle Press are gearing up for an amazing three month period of promotions: “Harbinger of Horror”, “Thanksgiving Thriller Feast” and last but not least ”Santa’s Goodie  Sack Full O’Multi –Genre Madness!”.

I think that you can see by the titles of the promotions we are looking to have some fun with this. The key here is to have quality digital short stories, novella’s, and full length…


Added by Giovanni Gelati on September 26, 2011 at 3:19am — No Comments

Carole Sutton is the Author of Award Winning Crime Fiction

Reared in the county of Devon in England, my earliest memory is of the Exeter blitz in 1942. I married an Exeter man in 1960, and we reared our three children in Cornwall. We built our own sailing boats and sailed the English Channel visiting many ports on the French coast on our holidays. We moved to the warmer climes of Perth in Western Australia in 1981, and took up…


Added by William R. Potter on September 26, 2011 at 3:18am — No Comments

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