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great book, try to read it. we have a house and I don't have room for any more books. I can't keep books floor level in any room where the dogs are, because even though one is two, he is a natural born shredding machine! books all over the place. I need a system.
:) it was interesting to hear what you had to say about the book. I'm in the process of editing the last draft on a novel and mine will have irresolution at the end. But, it is designed to be a trilogy ...Stephen King's novel "Cell" had irresolution at the end...I seem to be ok with these type of endings, but I know a lot of people aren't. What did you find lacking with the characters?

I'm reading New Moon, the second book in Stephenie Meyer's Twilight saga (young adult vampire novels). I don't normally read YA fiction, but a friend suggested I check them out because of my love for vampire fiction. So far, I'm enjoying the read. It's more of a Romeo and Juliet-style romance than any other genre, but it's very well written and the characters are well developed.

Once I finish the Twilight books, I'm moving on to Douglas Preston's Blasphemy and Charlaine Harris's latest vampire book, From Dead to Worse.
Currently reading LUSH LIFE by Richard Price and EMPTY EVER AFTER by Reed Farrel Coleman. I wasn't sure about LUSH LIFE when I started it, but when the hook finally appears, it pulls you in quickly. EMPTY EVER AFTER is the bleakest of the Moe Prager books, but Coleman's writing is so good. The Moe Prager series as a whole has impressed me greatly.
I read one book at a time, period. Just finished "The Dark Backward" by Julia Buckley, a couple of weeks ago, and have started "Blown Away" by Shane Gericke. These two authors are both on CrimeSpace, and are fantastic writers. I love it when authors who aren't cops, but are writing about cops, manage to get it right.
Just finished LUSH LIFE by Richard Price and EMPTY EVER AFTER by Reed Farrel Coleman.

I wasn't sure about LUSH LIFE when I started it, but quickly got pulled into it after the crime at the center of the story takes place. It really gives you a feel for how difficult it is to be a homicide detective (not only in terms of legwork, but all the bureaucratic crap they have to deal with) and a survivor of the crime. Very suspenseful story told very well.

EMPTY EVER AFTER puts a bleak, but not hopeless, finish (it would appear) to the Moe Prager series. The somber tone is leavened, as always, by Prager's ironic wit. You don't have to read the other books in the series to appreciate this one, but I think it deepens the experience if you do. I loved it.

I have posted a lengthier review for LUSH LIFE and will be posting one for EMPTY EVER AFTER on my blog at .

I haven't played on this thread for a while so I thought it was about time.

I just finished a couple of good books - Dreamland by Tom Gilling a brand new Australian crime fiction author and Disco for the Departed by Colin Cotterill - a series I just love and probably a standout book in the series into the bargain.

I've just picked up a real treat though - the new one from NZ author Paul Cleave - Cemetery Lake. Happy happy happy dance.
I love that this thread is STILL going!

At the moment, I'm reading THE ROAD by Cormac McCarthy and having a mixed experience. It's beautifully bleak poetry but has a number of points that bug me. Hmm, I might start a blasphemous discussion on it.
I'm reading Craig Johnson's newest, ANOTHER MAN"S MOCCASINS, and I'm loving the chance to get back to Absaroka County. As soon as Sheriff Walt Longmire walked into Dorothy's Busy Bee Cafe, I felt like I was meeting up with old friends again.
Winter Study by Nevada Barr. Just when I thought our North Woods winter was finally over, murdering Windegos On Lake Superior's Isle Royale have me stumbling around in minus 17 degree weather. Winds blow, wolves howl, wolf researchers begin to go missing. Ice dancing in Sorrels. It's June in Wisconsin!
Edgar winner OLD BONES by Aaron Elkins. My sister picked it out of a garage sale and let the family graze from a bagful of books. I'm thinking I'm going to have to go back to chapter 2 and make a diagram of the characters, to keep track of them.

:-) But that will have to wait until I stop working on A JOLLY GOOD FELLOW, Stephen Masse's medal winner, to which we have acquired the e-rights. It didn't look at all my type when I started it, because of the street language, but I ended up loving it. It's all about the relationship between a con-man Santa and his little kidnapping victim.

My most recent read was a character exploration about a stuck-in-the-mud teacher and how he relates to his past. TEACHING DAEDALUS is a reference to Daedalus the maze-builder. Mr Monk has hidden, inside a maze, the parts of his life that matter personally. This stuck in my mind for days after I finished it. Monk's relationships are as interesting as his mysteries.
... what have you normally encountered that you find different from the Aboriginal culture you experienced before? I've just returned from Australia, and have one perception of it over all, but did meet a few who were more assimilated into the western lifestyle...



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