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I want to thank you all for sharing and now my TBR list is longer than immaginable. I am finishing up 13 Bullets by David Wellington and will be starting The Blue Zone by Andrew Gross. I have in my current pile about 40 books which I am hoping to have completed by the end of the month, some are rather small and should be able to be read in a day. I just finished Toni and Exposed by Helen Leung both were read in the same day and both were very interesting reads, and of course both brought tears to my eyes. You can check the review of each on my site.

Please check back in and keep adding the current titles you are reading, I love discovering new works and new authors.
I can heartily recommend Double Dead, a new book by Terry Hoover. It's set in Charlotte, NC, in 1961, and features Steve Harlan, a decent guy with a wife and kids who's trying to earn a living as a P.I. after losing his newspaper job. Steve is hired by a defense attorney to help prove that the defendant didn't murder his wife -- but what Steve uncovers points to guilt, not innocence, and before long he and his family are in danger. Terry Hoover has a graceful, lucid style and she brings the southern setting and characters vividly alive.
Sandra, Terry is a delightful person as well as a good writer. She and I belong to The Carolina Conspaircy -- a group of North and South Carolina mystery writers who do book signings and programs together. I got her book a few weeks ago and thought it excellent as well. I look forward to the next in the series.
I hope you get to read Woodrell's Winter's Bone. Stunning.

Always, always Jim Thompson. Of course.
Judith - I concur heartily with Laura. Woodrell's WINTER'S BONE is amazing. The female protagonist is still stuck in my head and I read the book last October. I agree with you on the Sallis, and ALL Woodrell's books are sheer genius. Other than the authors you suggest, how about James Crumley's LAST GOOD KISS? And have you ever read Eddie "Czar of Noir" Muller's THE DISTANCE. Brilliant stuff - set in 1940s San Francisco - dark and atmospheric and beautifully written.
Just finished "Croaked!" releasing in a few weeks. Lots of fun, definitely check it out. Now, I'm halfway through "The Black Dahlia". I think I'm the last person in the world to read this book, and so far, I can see why.
I'm currently reading The Bee Keepers Apprentice, by Laurie R. King, and suspending dissbelief like crazy!
Enjoying it, though.
Next up is Dead Folk by Charlie Williams. I've been waiting to read this for a whole year. Thanks to Leslie Austin-Smith for the lend thereof.
Expect an excited e-mail soon, Sunnie.
Well, I just finished re-reading Band of Brothers.

Calling Out For You by Karin Fossum is on my nightstand to be started this evening.

A copy of my newspaper's financials is on the bathroom floor.
I am currently reading STIGMA by Philip Hawley, Jr, a general pediatrician out of Los Angeles. I am so impressed with this man's book that he and his novel will be profiled/reviewed in my next column. Hawley is a physician, a father of two, and the writer of a book I can only put down long enough to give my children what the law requires I provide - food, clothing, and shelter.

Darn intrusive law...

Anyway, I highly recommend this book. It combines Hawley's expertise in the medical field with a pattern of inexplainable ailments resulting in deaths. With a murder or two thrown in for good measure.

Very well written, page-turner, nice flow. Go buy it. Really, go tomorrow and buy it. I'm not impressed easily. But this book? Impressive.
I heartily agree. Great, great read!
No matter how busy I am with my own work, I try to read at least one book a week. Last week I read, Picture of Guilt by Libby Fisher Hellman. It was the first of her books that I've read. It won't be the last. I recommend it to anyone who likes a page turner. This week I'm reading Cassandra King's The Sunday Wife. Not a mystery, but since one of my series characters is a female minister, I thought I'd enjoy it.
Currently reading the third book in Chris Grabenstein's series. Loved Tilt-a-Whirl and Mad Mouse and am very much enjoying Whack-a-Mole at the moment. He is very entertaining. Enjoyed Slay Ride too even though it is much darker and more serious.


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