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Just finished Karin Fossum's THE CALLER.  Fossum is one of the very best Scandinavian writers with her Inspector Sejer series.  This book is also very good, but it's rather strange in that it has not a single murder in it.  Perhaps it is the lack of serious violent crimes in Norway that made her choose a serial prankster as her criminal.  Mind you, the pranks are nasty and get more so and they lead to two deaths.  But it feels really strange to see the police investigating them with the same seriousness one would normally devote to a serial killer.

Added to my Goodreads list. Sounds very interesting to have crimes instead of homicides in this genre.

I finished Emily Kimelman's new book the other day. Good follow up to her first novel, with her next novel due in January.

Now I'm reading Ice Force by Matt Lynn. Not sure about Matt, he is similar to Chris Ryan and Andy McNab in style and voice, but has a bit too much misogyny in there for my liking so far. 

Also, I've just had my knee operated on and have been laid up at my parent's house. They have Foxtel now and I discovered 13th Street. My only exposure to that before was the interviews that Tara Moss did with crime authors. If anyone is getting Foxtel, worth making sure 13th Street is one of your channels!

Hi Tim - hope the knees recovering okay. Count me in on being a 13th Street fan as well :)

Currently reading August Heat by Andrea Camilleri and after that Hunter, the second in the Intrepid series from Australian Author Chris Allen (thrillers)

Thanks Karen, knee seems to be okay, swelling is going down reasonably rapidly.

I haven't heard of Chris Allen, I'll have to check him out.

Just a quick follow up, as I finished Matt's book the other day. Review here:

Basically it was hard to get past the character's comments about women. I don't care how accurate this is in the portrayal of military people, authors really should be able to make it a character flaw or the like, not something that is rife throughout.

Susan Hill, THE VARIOUS HAUNTS OF MEN.  Multiple-award-winning British author once short-listed for the Booker.  This is a serial killer novel by (apparently) a literary writer.  It holds the interest, though one gets rather swamped by all the women in the book.  I have a problem with books that delve too deeply and exclusively into the feminine experience and mine that to the exclusion of everything else.  It's a myopic world view.  But don't let this stop you.  It's a well-written book.

Stuart MacBride:  SHATTER THE BONES.  No question but MacBride can write!  The book is a joy to read from the point of view of language.  His dialogue is super.  He also has some memorable characters, for example the foul-mouthed lesbian DI Steel.  As for the rest:  MacBride specializes in violent, noir crime novels.  For me, there's a tad too much shattering of bones going on in this one, though at least we don't hang the bodies from meat hooks in butchershops.

I just bought myself a christmas present of 'Filth' by Irvine Welsh. Should be inspirational for my own writing. It is a story about a bent cop and some gruesome serial killings.

Currently reading Steve Berry's Paris Vendetta. Then my next with be Luther by Neil Cross.

I got Karen Slaughter's Criminal for Xmas and a Amazon gift card. Stephen Leather also sent fans three ebooks as gifts. Really looking forward to more reading this Xmas break.

How about everyone else.

Currently reading FURIES by DL Johnstone, a Roman thriller. I received Merry Christmas Alex Cross by James Patterson for Christmas, so that will be next. 

I am now reading "Hell is Empty" by Craig Johnson. Series follows Sheriff Walt Longmire of Absaroka County Wyoming. Found this authors works after watching th TV series "Longmire" this year which is based on his books.


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