Malice Abroad--mini conference in Scottsdale, July 14

I haven't seen this fabulous mini-convention advertised so I thought I'd better spread the word about it to mystery fans. It's being hosted by Poisoned Pen:

Malice Abroad
One day mystery event
Scottsdale Arizona
July 14th, 2007
featuring Rhys Bowen, Aaron Elkins
Carol Goodman, Alan Gordon, Priscilla Royal
and more authors to be announced.
The venue is tentatively the Vally Ho resort. I understand they'll have a special rate for rooms, should anyone want to make a weekend of it .
The fee includes lunch and a royal tea to launch my new book, Her Royal Spyness
Hats and gloves are expected, naturally. (I'll be awarding a prize for the best hat)

Hope to see you there,

Rhys Bowen

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