I'm trying to have a "best seller" day on amazon.com tomorrow. If anyone is planning to buy a copy of my new sex, drugs and murder novel, Cruel Poetry, please order tomorrow, Fri, May 25. I also have the reprint of my first novel Miami Purity, with an introduction by Ken Bruen and an afterword by Megan Abbott, available there.

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Vicki, count me in on this one. Is there a particular time zone we're talking here? EDT, PDT, or doesn't it matter?
Thanks, Daniel! Hope you enjoy it. I don't know anything about the time zones. I think as long as you buy during the day, it should work.
Thanks! I'm excited to see if this works.
Click here.
I can't find your comment, Harry. I don't know if it's something you did or something I'm not doing!
Thanks sooo much, Nikki. This is exciting. My numbers just made a huge dip from rank #12,005 to #1,942. I don't know how low I have to go to be a "best seller," but this must be good. Thanks for the boost!
Hmm. I can see it fine. All I did was provide a link to your book on Amazon. The darn Interwebs must have messed it up. Anybody else have trouble seeing my original comment?
Oh, I saw the link. I thought it was some crazed thing that happened! Meanwhile, the numbers are zooming!!!! I'm down to amazon rank # 443 as of 3:00 pm !!! Thank you for the link!
It's 277 just now. Congrats!!!!
Thank you! I made it down to 260 at 6:30, but now I'm back up to 272. It's been fantastic and I have an interview coming, so I'm sure even if amazon doesn't put me into best sellers, I'll have lots of good from this. I'm thrilled!
#437 just after I placed my order. Which I should have done earlier, but in my determination to be within a particular timezone, I stuffed up and did it one day (or a few hours) too late! Hopefully it still helps. Best of luck with it all, Vicki!
No you tell me! Bought a bunch (Miami Purity), but not through The River. Sorry. Fell into this book first time around. Blown away!! Yet to read your latest.


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